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Published on April 30th, 2009 | by Darren Byrne


All Fired Up

While the UK Apprentice may be in full swing, the second series of TV3’s Irish Apprentice has just started looking for this year’s hopefuls. At yesterday’s launch in The Dylan Hotel, Bill Cullen called for ‘warriors with liathroidi’.

The second series takes place in a different world, an Ireland where the Celtic Tiger has gone and left us with an economy in serious difficulties.

Last year’s Apprentice was exciting and fresh and without a doubt the best show TV3 has aired. Brenda Shanahan ultimately beat Nicky O’Callaghan to become Bill’s first Apprentice. Bill wanted someone who would ‘hit the ground running’.

Returning to our screens in the Autumn, Bill will sit at the head of the boardroom again with Jackie Lavin and Brian Purcell in his ears. 14 new candidates will fight and bitch and moan their way into the coveted role of Apprentice to Bill Cullen and a package worth €100,000.

 If you are or if you know someone who could go all the way, check out tv3.ie/theapprentice. This year the window for applications is very short, so potentials must register before May 8th. I think we should put in an application for our own Darragh Doyle. What do you think?

Keep reading Culch.ie for coverage of the current series of the UK Apprentice and join in the live blogging every Wednesday evening.

Update via Steph:

Darragh Doyle on The Apprentice

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About the Author

Blogger, writer, movie buff, amateur dramatist and all round nice guy. When I’m not spouting about on Culch.ie, I can be found Tweeting inanities @DarrenByrne or @Culch_ie. I am the admin behind Culch.ie and if you want to contact me for anything, drop me a mail.

10 Responses to All Fired Up

  1. Steph says:

    Absolutely. Let’s sign him up so he can tweet & blog from the inside ?

    Their application database mightn’t be able to withstand the amount of info it would get hit with. Take this question for example:

    “Experience: What do you do for a living, and for who? Give as much detail as possible. *” ?

  2. darraghdoyle says:

    Absolutely no way in hell. Not a chance. Busy enough as it is!!

    (but thanks)

  3. Steph says:

    As tweeted, replace Bill with Darragh.

  4. Anthony McG says:

    Awwwww. You spoil our fun with your “don’t try and submit me for things I’m too busy for” attitude.

  5. darraghdoyle says:

    Not “too busy”, just “not good/devious/talented/driven/motivated/funny/likable/hatable/noticeable enough”.

    Would love to tweet it though. Hello TV3 ?

  6. Rick says:

    Steph, that does take it to a new level alright.

    Who’s going to set up darraghshouldbeonthetelly.com?

  7. Steph says:

    @Rick I think I told you yesterday to be careful what you wish for?

    Purchased. Currently being processed by Blacknight ?

  8. Ciara says:

    Just enter him.

    That or he’s in for Batchelor of the Year.

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