Pop Culchur Gets a Kick Up the Arse
Welcome to Culch.ie!!!
And about feckin’ time too, I hear you say…
The idea was a simple one – a few months ago I thought it’d be a gas to start a group blog project (well, everyone seems to have one these days), the theme took a little bit longer. To be fair pop culture is one of the few common threads that runs through almost all of us and Ireland doesn’t have a huge, enormous pop culture review site/aggregator/news place (can’t you see I’ve researched the lingo here?) so I decided to give it a go.
Getting others in on it was harder. Actually, to be fair, that was the easy bit. Pretty much everyone I asked said yes.
So here we are.
A huge thank you to AJ at Le Craic for donating the URL (how *did* he manage to get it?), Darren and Sinead for fiddly techie things and Pedro for design and the like.
This is very much a place for us to write about everything pop culture related but we’re hoping the comments and the community is what will really make here interesting.
Off we go, so ?
Actually I’ve kept everyone anonymous for the moment so if you want to introduce yourself as one of the writers in comments, feel free to do so…
Fair play to AJ. It really is a rockin’ URL. Now lets have fun! ?
Woohooo ?
*breaks bottle of champagne over side of culch.ie!!*
It’s looking slick. Delighted to be part of it all. shuddering thinking about all the behind the scenes technical work by Darren and Sinead and the graphics work by Pedro. Hats off to yis all.
Fair play to AJ, the father of the feast and thank you to the lovely Ms GofE – our first North American comment!
Testing testing One Two One Two
Yay for us!
A little later to the party (as usual) *waves*
Woo ?
jumping on the bandwagon
it really looks sweet
everyone who was involved, give yerselves a pat on the back.
better yet, be adventurous and give yerselves two. i know. i know. but ye deserve it
Another site bookmarked and to keep me from doing a days work
I took the red smartie.
@Allan You did more than that. You just made the 100th comment on Culch.ie. Not bad considering this is the first official day. ?
i can haz prize too?
by the way, who chose the colours for the site?
very clever
@Dermot ‘Twas the very talented Pedro Monscooch. He’s responsible for the look, while Sinead Cochrane and I look after the coding side of things. We are lead by the egomaniacal Rick O’Shea.
100+ comments is seriously awesome for it’s first official day!
I can’t stop thinking about stuff to write…
Woo, great idea, ‘citing!
/me joins the party long afterward
Woot, go everyone!