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Published on March 10th, 2009 | by Rick


Star Feck!

Posted this over at my own gaff, but sure we didn’t have here yesterday, now did we…? ?

Star Trek just gets more and more exciting looking… 


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5 Responses to Star Feck!

  1. Seanbluey says:

    Ha I think I’m too young young to know a whole lot about star trek, but from what I’ve seen so far it looks pretty cool….plus it’s got Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, and J.J Abrams, so I’m sure I’ll like it!!

  2. Pedro says:

    Further proof that anything J.J. Abrams lately touches turns to gold. Lost, Fringe, Cloverfield and the bad-ass Mission Mother-Flippin’ Impossible 3.

  3. Voodoo says:

    Hate Lost, hate Fringe, Cloverfield was ehhhh and Mission Impossible 3was…..alright.

    JJ, this better to decent.

    Sorry to bring the tone down but what about the serious man-candy…….almost worth a look for that alone.

  4. Phreak says:

    I refuse to watch any more trailers. I feel I know too much already. Is it May yet?


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