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Published on March 11th, 2009 | by Darren Byrne’s Waistcoat


James Frey | Masterclass on making it all up

Recent chat from round the giant book bonfire…

Me: Have ye heard the news?
Them: No? What news would that be?
Me: Yer man Oprah fell in and out of love with is coming to Dublin.
Them: Tom Cruise?
Me: No ye saps. James Frey. He’s giving a fiction masterclass in Waterstones.
Them: Ah ask me arse, yer making that up.
Me: Ha. That’s just what Oprah said.

James Frey, author of Bright Shiny Morning visits Waterstone’s on Dawson Street in Dublin.
Friday, 13 March 2009, 18:30 – 20:00
Tickets are €4 Call for details: 01 679 1260

“A rare opportunity to meet the internationally acclaimed author of the renowned debut, A Million Little Pieces, who will reading from his latest novel, Bright and Shiny Morning, and talking about his work. Reviewed in Time Magazine: Relentlessly entertaining….It’s reminiscent of one of Tom Wolfe’s billion-footed beasts”

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About the Author

Culch.ie sent us on a mission. It meant leaving our families, friends and toilets that are higher than three inches from the ground but we accepted. To boldly go where so many have gone before – and come out with something new. From the land of imitation Rolex, Ray Bans, Gucci and more the roaming culch.ie correspondents will give you a taste of the world.

5 Responses to James Frey | Masterclass on making it all up

  1. Darren says:

    Giant book bonfire? Sounds like fun!

  2. Egg says:

    Sure nobody reads in a recession. What else are all those books good for but keeping us warm??

    2009, year of the Great Book Bonfire.

  3. Darren says:

    @Egg Why is my face on your comment?

  4. Voodoolady says:

    God, You’d have to pay me to go see this clown. I bought ‘A Million little pieces’ after all the Oprah controversy for a look and couldn’t even finish it. Note to reformed addicts, just cause you stopped boozing/drugging doesn’t mean you can write.

  5. Egg says:

    @Darren – Its all part of my cunning identity-theft plan ?

    @ I think it is part of the recovery process. Stop the boozing. Stop the drugging. Stop the stealing. Stop lying. Write fiction. Con publishers. Take their money and run to Ireland.

    It’s a good plan.

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