A double act too far…
More breaking news… Gavin and Stacey stars James Corden and Matthew Horne fear “becoming over-exposed and getting on people’s nerves”. Sorry to break it to you lads but I’m afraid it’s too late.
The BAFTA-winning duo, who shot to fame in the sitcom, voiced their fears during a press conference for their upcoming film, Lesbian Vampire Killers.
Corden and Horne, who played best friends Gavin and Smithy in the TV show, recently hosted the Brit Awards with Kylie and have also released their own comedy sketch show, Horne and Corden, which coincides with the release of the movie. Flavour of the month? Just a tad. Is it deserved? I for one can’t see the appeal.
Horne told reporters: “Their (the shows and the movie) timings are out of our hands. But we are mindful of it and it is a tricky area we promise we will disappear for a bit.”
At that Corden is quoted as saying “We promise, once this film is out of the way, we will really just go away. Hopefully we’re not getting on anyone’s nerves because that is the last thing we want to do really”.
Sorry to break it to you lads but it’s too late. Oh and there’s no fear of me parting with a tenner of my hard earned to see Lesbian Vampire Killers. Not a hope.
But it’s A film about Lesbian. Vampire. Killers….where could they go wrong??
I dunno, saw your man on the left on Jonathon Ross and was just a little bored.
I think Sean, any film that tries too hard with the title is automatically on to a loser…
I think the question is should they rethink the title?
I mean, are they lesbians who kill vampires, or vampires who like the ladies being killed by two unlikely heores?
Ambiguity fail!
yes. vampire killers. not zombies.
because that would be just weird.
learned that the hard way.
long story
well not really but i cant be arsed explaining it
Unfortunately, I have seen a clip so I can confirm that they are lesbians who are also vampires.
Deary me.
The BBC have no idea what to commission, they’ve been in crisis for a long time now.
Lesbian. Vampire. Killers.
What’s not to love?
Darren, I look forward to reading your review!
B’, it does seem like that may be the case.
VL, thanks for the confirmation.
Rick, they bore me to tears. No wit, nothing original about the pair of them.
@NaRocRoc I suspect it’ll be a short review…
The main thing is we get to see a new series of Peep Show very soon
Congratulations! Despite some stiff competition from YouTube commenters, you’ve managed to write The Least Constructive Thing On The Internet.
Congratulations Emordino. In one foul swoop you’ve trumped me for that very title.
Why bother? Just walk away. Go play in the sun. Life’s too short.
Do ye need a judge?