For the week that’s in it – Happy St Paddy’s Day
I love days out. Like today’s Big Day Out on Merrion Square as part of the St Patrick’s Festival.
Of the many many people I met, one was this little boy and I thought a good first post would be to share this with you.
I’m currently uploading all my photos of the day to the St Patrick’s Day Group. From what I’ve seen, I may have gotten one or two good ones!
I’m going to be out of Ireland for Paddy’s Day for the first time in my life. I will of course try to be an ambassador for our little republic and give out green bananas to any dignitaries I meet.
Love it!
I want to get my face painted. It’s the only really good thing about Paddy’s day. That and having the day off.
I HATE Paddy’s day. I have chosen to work tomorrow as I just can’t bear it, all the tourists (especially the americans), the drunk irish eejits, diddly diddle music blaring out everywhere, bleughhhhh
Aw this little guy is so cute, I get a giggle every time I watch him!