- Start here and work down. Forrest Gump in 1 minute:
- MacGyver? The Movie? Hell yes!! Now we just pray they don’t recast it and make it a comedy with Will Ferrell. Richard Dean Anderson ftw.
- That guy from stuff, Ron Silver, passed away yesterday, aged 62. I know him mostly from his role in The West Wing, but he is probably best known for his role in Reversal of Fortune with Jeremy Irons.

Ron Silver
- Matt Damon has confirmed they are going ahead with the fourth Bourne movie. Inevitable, but not bad news.
- JJ Abrahms, while discussing Star Trek recently, hinted that the Cloverfield sequel has a good idea behind it. He has always said a sequel would never be a business decision and would only go ahead if they could make a good movie. I’m not sure how he could follow up the brilliant Blair Witch/Godzilla mashup. We’ll see…
- I saw the Mighty Boosh stage show in the O2 recently. I laughed…a lot…but I’m not sure I totally got it. Anyway, they’re making a movie.
- And in remake news, they are looking at bringing Arnie‘s 1990 sci-fi flick, Total Recall, back to the big screen. Pointless? Yes! But the award for most pointless remake goes to Russell Brand, who is taking on Arthur. Why?
- Zooey Deschayummy‘s new movie, 500 Days of Summer:
Ah Zooey Deschayummy as she will henceforth be known.
Is it just me or does Joseph Gordon Levitt look a little like Heath Ledger?
It’s just you!