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Published on March 18th, 2009 | by Lottie


Because it’s not yet 10am…

…And because the rest of those feckers get to sleep on in bed this morning while I sit bedraggled at my desk, I want to get in there with the first Meteor Awards post. 

Some awards I agreed with : Imelda May taking Best Irish Female (although Camille is still wonderful), Elbow collecting the prize for Best International Band. Elbow also gave the best live performance of the night – amazing!

Some I didn’t – The Blizzards taking Best Live Performance (for me it would have been The Swell Season) and Mick Flannery winning Best Irish Male (Duke being totally robbed).

My gripe of the night was with Amanda Byram. What is with her I-went-to-America-and-now-think-Irish-people-speak-like-leprechauns accent? Grr!

A full list of winners here.

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11 Responses to Because it’s not yet 10am…

  1. UnaRocks says:

    Isn’t it weird that Elbow just happened to be performing as they won in one of the non-public voting categories? Random!

  2. TheChrisD says:

    Ray fucking Foley, best national DJ? Who the fuck rigged the voting?!?!

  3. Now, now Chris… ? The truth is that Ray ran a huge campaign this year and has a big audience, thus most votes.

    As for the rest of the evening I’m glad Lottie has written something as it saves me having to do something ?

  4. Maxi Cane says:

    Today FM threatened to extend his show if people didn’t vote, it’s a no brianer really.

  5. *backs out of the comment thread*

  6. Darren Byrne says:

    At the risk of being ousted from my friend group, I really like Foley’s show. I’d be lost without it in the early afternoon. He’s good at what he does and worked hard to get the votes.

    Addendum: I voted NDJ6! ?

  7. TheChrisD says:

    I wouldn’t have minded someone else winning as long as it wasn’t Foley. He’s just a frigging tosser… ?

  8. Almost forgot – the lovely Wallis Bird won our award – had her on the show months ago and she’s very much worth the listen…


  9. Lottie says:

    @Una – weird yes…but good. They really were spectacular live.

    @Chris – I really like his show. *ducks* and in fairness he’s the only one who promotes the award on his show. Maybe he promotes it a bit much but it’s the nature of his show.

    @Rick – 2fm website peddler!

  10. Pedro says:

    ^ I personally had to approve of this comment.

    RE: Ray Foley- I can’t stand shameless self-promotion and the fact that jokes/ sound effects don’t get funnier the more it’s used.

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