Tiny Dancer (Hold Me Closer) by Ironik ft Chipmunk & Elton John

Title : Ironik ft Chipmunk & Elton John
Artist : Tiny Dancer (Hold Me Closer)
Release : 27-April-2009
The 140 character review

Good use of the Elton John sample, but it takes all of the focus from the rapping. Might be just balance but end up not heeding Ironik

Will Knott

and now your reviews…

About Will

Will likes to dance around the interfaces of technology, people and culture. Unfortunately that dance floor is freshly waxed. He usually remembers to write (and photograph) at WillKnott.ie

8 Responses to Tiny Dancer (Hold Me Closer) by Ironik ft Chipmunk & Elton John

  1. Darren Byrne says:

    I’m actually a huge fan of the original and have it lined up as a Tuesday Tune in a couple of weeks. To hear it being butchered in this way hurts my poor ears. I’d rather hear Boyzone’s Better.

  2. Pedro says:

    Well sheeeet. I had very low expectations from the title but that is excellent use of the sample. It’s much better than the current trend of taking music made from processed cheese (eg Live Your Life, Right Round etc).

    I love this post format by the way. Mind if I steal it for my own new music post tomorrow?

  3. That’s painful. If Elton John was dead, he’d be spinning in his grave right now!

  4. Will says:

    Pedro go ahead. I used to do Jaiku reviews, and hated a long title (or artist A featuring B and C with D). This format, only the review text is 140 characters with inline links to make things more readable. (and I now do my editing in twitter to check their length)

    And unlike other mediums, you can let the readers hear the track.

    Steal ahead. Tomorrow’s one in in the can already.

    Darren, I had to look up the original (the Almost Famous singalong in the tour bus is my favoured version), I’ve listened to too many mashups to trust my memory. Oddly, there is another mix of this which is much better than the released one (You’ll see the link off the live 1970something version in YouTube)

  5. Green Of Eye says:

    Arrrrrgh was Elton high at the time of approval??

    Jaysus,i’m partial to both sampling and pop/hiphop but imo this is muck.

  6. Will says:

    I couldn’t possibly comment on this highness or his lowness.

    I’m just waiting for the mash-ups to see what they do with it.

  7. Gp says:

    Total and utter shat!
    Pretty much destroyed the song for me,elton the total sell out!!