Making A Break For It

Once again, Spring Break rocked.

7 Responses to Making A Break For It

  1. Dave says:

    It was a brilliant gig. They rocked even more than usual.

  2. The Toy Man says:

    Impressive array of hair styles :-)

  3. Darragh says:

    Indeed, rock it certainly did. Despite the lack of some songs even!

    Great fun :)

  4. Lottie says:

    Next time I think we should go as the cast of Ghostbusters? No?

  5. Rick says:

    Jesus. There’s even a decent picture of me! You are a miracle worker with that fancy camera…

    Don’t remember you taking it, of course.

  6. Lottie says:

    @Rick – No fancy camera at all – just my humble Sony compact. That and my massive talent of course.

  7. Rick says:

