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Published on May 5th, 2009 | by Darren Byrne


Darren’s Movie News 05/05/09

So, we’re into May now. Where is this year going? Blockbuster season is kicking off. Wolverine was average, Star Trek is sublime. So, what’s next? Terminator, Harry Potter, Transformers 2, Public Enemies, Bruno, GI Joe, Inglourious Basterds…it’ll be a mixed bag this Summer.

In movie news:

  • The nominations for the MTV Movie Awards (a million times more entertaining than the Oscars) have been announced. Check out the MTV website for more info.
  • Curiously, Ben Stiller’s production company are working with Matt Lucas and David Walliams to make a Little Britain movie.
  • Christina Aguilera is set to make her big screen debut in Burlesque, a contemporary musical along the same lines of Moulin Rouge.
  • Roger Friedman is attacking Harry Knowles of Aint It Cool News for revealing too many details about Wolverine’s plot in his review. Is he just trying to gain some attention on his own new site or does he have a valid point? 
  • In cheery news, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard have tied the knot. I didn’t even know they were a couple.
  • Hugh Jackman’s next project will be Ghostoplolis, where he will play a ‘Ghostbuster’ who must travel to the spirit world to save a boy who was sent their by mistake. Hopefully he’ll be back on form after his disappointing turn in Wolverine.
  • Manga phenomenon Death Note is to be brought to the big screen by Warner Bros. The story of a college student who discovers the ‘Death Note’ which allows him to take someone’s life just by wrting their name on the page could be great, or it could just be another teeniebop flop. I’m interested.
  • Mike Newell is set to direct The Lone Ranger. Johnny Depp is already lined up to play Tonto, but there’s no word on the titular character yet.
  • Jodie Foster and Jim Carrey are teaming up for The Beaver (insert your own joke here), which sounds dodgy immediately. But it may not be too bad – it sounds like it may be another Lars and the Real Girl light drama, with Carrey playing a guy who talks to his hand puppet, a beaver.
  • David Morrissey (who should have been the next Doctor Who in my opinion) has signed on for The Centurion, with Michael Fassbender, in an epic tale of a roman Centurion.
  • Despite the critical slamming, Wolverine’s sequel is going ahead. It will be set in Japan and undoubtedly feature more bad CG and underused cast members.

And a few snazzy (ish) trailers –

  • Transformers 2:

  • GI Joe:

  • District 9:

  • Night at the Museum 2:

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About the Author

Blogger, writer, movie buff, amateur dramatist and all round nice guy. When I’m not spouting about on Culch.ie, I can be found Tweeting inanities @DarrenByrne or @Culch_ie. I am the admin behind Culch.ie and if you want to contact me for anything, drop me a mail.

2 Responses to Darren’s Movie News 05/05/09

  1. Sean says:

    Woo hoo at Transformers 2….

    Lol at G.I. Joe….it’s basically a PG, live-action, taking-itself-seriously version of Team America.

  2. Darren Byrne says:

    @Sean It does look a lot lame, yeah.

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