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Published on June 8th, 2009 | by Darren Byrne


The UK Apprentice – The Aftermath

Last night saw the Final of this year’s UK Apprentice and it was a good finish to a great series.

Kate Walsh and Yasmina Siadatan went head to head in the final task to create and launch their own range of chocolates. They were joined by previously fired contestants from the series. Kate’s team (which did not include her beau, Philip) came up with Choc d’Amour, a product which was designed for sharing between couples, while Yasmina’s team produced Cocoa Electric a ‘shocking’ box of chocolates.

Taste obviously wasn’t an issue as Yasmina’s near inedible treats didn’t hurt her chances. Kate’s delicious chocs were well packaged, well designed and pitched perfectly, but she was hindered by an overly ambitious price tag. Check out both pitches below and tell me you think Yasmina should have won. I am defintely at odds with Siralan’s decision.

In the end Yasmina landed the six figure job and Kate was left with Philip. Still, I’m sure they’ll both make a sizeable sum in one or two big magazine spreads…

As for next year, Siralan is already under pressure due to his current role as Gordon Brown’s ‘enterprise tsar’. Tory members are calling for him to quit the TV show, but he says his role within government is politically neutral. Coupled with the loss of his right hand woman, Margaret Mountford (who is running off to do an exciting PhD in papyrology), do you think it’s time to bring in a new mogul to the show?

Over this side of the water, Bill Cullen has confirmed that all of the finalists have been selected and in the Autumn we will see all 14 fight it out to become Bill’s next Apprentice with a salary of €100,000. So, what are we going to do until then?

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About the Author

Blogger, writer, movie buff, amateur dramatist and all round nice guy. When I’m not spouting about on Culch.ie, I can be found Tweeting inanities @DarrenByrne or @Culch_ie. I am the admin behind Culch.ie and if you want to contact me for anything, drop me a mail.

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