My Baby’s Waiting by Industry
Title:My Baby’s Waiting
Artist: Industry
Label: MIG Live
Release: Out now, see below
I found out about “Industry” through one on the band members; Donal Skehan. For a media guy obsessed by music and pop so much that he went up against Dustin for the Irish entry in the 2008 Eurovision, its surprising to find he actually runs a food blog.
Anyway, Industry is an almost Irish (there is one British member) boy-girl band. We’ll ignore the fact that boy-girl band is one of the most accurate while still being one of the stupider descriptions around shall we. They are young, bright eyes and… well pop. Again slightly surprising as I can detect some rock and soul trying to escape from Lee, Michelle and Morgan. I don’t know their background, but I’ll bet that they have worked with each other on various projects over the years (I know Donal has worked with the producers and writers before, and I think both Lee and Morgan show up at different parts of Donal’s Eurovision video above).
They’re recorded 7 tracks to date, and 3 videos but this is the experimental Irish only release. “My Baby’s Waiting” is the first release, and its a safe bet.
Too safe.
A little bland.
With only a hint of spice.
Good ingredients that seems to have been blended against each other rather than complimenting.
On first hearing it seems as if nothing has been left to chance. The singing is mostly in turn (so you get to hear each of the four voices) and the harmonies are, well less than tight and more in unison. The key changes are telegraphed well ahead of time, so much so that you could sing along during your first listen. Third person pronouns are avoided (necessary in a mixed sex group) and each member looks fantastic. And familiar.
Its just very calculated. There is nothing wrong per say, just the heart of the sample is there, rather than the heart of the heart of the writer or the singer.
But its not the money making calculation.
Some risks remain.
It doesn’t sound Irish. Listen below. Most if not all Irish producers ramp up the vocal so it totally dominates the track, something often done in a bunch of manufactured pop hits. Here, the four vocals are just part of the mix. Its most obvious during the start of the chorus when the synth strings (or an over produced sample) swell up to the top. The ranges used are not of the tinny mobile phone speaker range, steel guitar rarely survives on a mobile. I suspect that (with the exception of the fake ad-libed “Baby” bits) pitch correction hasn’t been used. Also there are a few downright weird lyric combinations (“I’ll take a plane train over a car”, whats a plane-train? Correction: its “I’ll take a plane train or a car”. That sounds sensible now) which suggest that some of the calculations were ignored.
In short, its a safe enough introduction. The risks left are not that big. But unless the other recorded tracks are all of this nature, which is entirely possible, it feels like a poor introduction.
I suspect the group will sound better once they loosen up a bit. Add a few spic or tasty elements. You can still sound tight and take chances.
Having said all that, it does feel like summer pop hit doesn’t it.
If you like it enough to buy it, well Irish readers… you can via (who are also doing stuff with the Raw Sessions).
5 easy steps to getting your very own copy of “My Baby’s Waiting”:
Step 1. Text ‘music 3365’ to 57501 on your mobile
Step 2. Recieve a text with an activation code
Step 3. Go to and enter your phone number and pin code
Step 5. Play. Your mobile will be charged the cost of the single.
Given the in store signings, there are physical copies too. That or a lot of signed phones and bodyparts. Not sure why.
I just donwloaded it on iTunes. Was loving this on the radio, and had NO idea they were Irish. They seem too professional, and the video is def no irish.
Good review, fair to say that it’s lacking in a bit of spice, but, hey, summer pop tune- Why reinvent the wheel?