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Published on September 7th, 2009 | by lecraic


Sing Hallelujah

Really like the idea of the BBC’s effort to get people singing. Heard about it last night on BBC Radio 3 during the interval to the Messiah.

Sing Hallelujah is a nationwide effort in the UK to encourage people to :

find their voices and discover the joy of singing. We want to get thousands of people singing Handel’s famous Hallelujah Chorus as part of a nationwide celebration of one of the most popular choral pieces in the world.

Gay Byrne organised a “Messiah For All” concert back in 1992 in the Point Theatre in aid of Goal and Concern. As far as I remember, anyone who was familiar with the piece was invited to come along and sing. Those singing were organised into voice sections, while the remaining space was for the general audience. Audience and singers alike were invited to join in on the the Hallelujah Chorus. It was a wonderful event.

Maybe some Sing Hallelujah type events have already been organised in Ireland. If you know of any, leave a comment. If one was organised close to where you live, would you come along? Have you ever sung the Hallelujah Chorus as part of a Messiah concert? If so, where and when - do tell.

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About the Author

I blog at lecraic.com about random things - mostly with an Irish flavour. I Photoshop by day to make a crust, and sometimes Photoshop at night for the blog.

I am a fan of books - I love collecting and reading them with a slight preference for non fiction (business, biographies, current affairs). Some children had "blankies" as pacifiers - I had my "Billy Doran" book that went everywhere with me - even though I was too young to read at the time.

I like the rest of culchur as well as books - like films n' things.

3 Responses to Sing Hallelujah

  1. Steph says:

    Ah fiddlesticks. I was really hoping that was happening here, singing the Hallelujah chorus is a dream of mine.

  2. Niamh says:

    I’ve never sung the Hallelujah chorus at all but was part of the school choirs in both primary & secondary school and I loved it 🙂
    In fact the primary choir may have sing parts of the chorus…long time ago…!
    My voice is not particularly good so singing in a crowd would be a good idea, lol.
    I’d definitely go to an event like this if it was on in Dublin.

  3. Daria says:

    As far as I know the National Concert Hall hosts a “sing-along-Messiah” every year (probably coming up to Christmas?) and you just go along and bring your score. I’ve never gone, so I can’t confirm, but I’ve seen it advertised in the past.

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