Help get an Irish comic signed to DC!

The Symptoms

I’ve just been made aware of the following impressive news:

Comic book publisher DC Comics, home to such icons as Batman and Superman have shortlisted an Irish-made comic as part of its worldwide talent search competition to find the next big thing. Irish duo Will Sliney and Dave Hendrick have beaten off competition from literally tens of thousands of entries and made it through to the final of the competition with their comic strip entitled The Symptoms.

The Symptoms charts the exploits of a zombie killing rock band in a doomed future no less!


The public must vote here to choose their favourite comic…The winner will be offered a professional contract to continue their comic with DC Comics and have a chance of been optioned for a movie with some of the biggest movie houses in Hollywood. How cool does that prize sound?

So do us all a favour, and head over to vote for your fellow citizens. The public can only vote once but multiple viewings of The Symptoms strip on the site are encouraged as these also go towards the overall score. The closing date for the competition is 30th Sept, so hurry up!

About Rob Cumiskey

Pop Culture fanatic, Aston Villa supporter, lover of penguins.

7 Responses to Help get an Irish comic signed to DC!

  1. Well that’s just a bit weird, isn’t it?

  2. What’s weird? The Zombie killing rock band :-P

  3. That’s unbelieveable and would be such an achievement… Gooooo team.

  4. Zombies are cool. So is killing them.
    Rock Bands are also cool. But a Zombie-killing rock band?? That’s just fricking awesome!! :-P

  5. Niall says:

    Love it! It’s got my geeky backing.

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