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Published on January 9th, 2010 | by Stan


Galway Film Society winter/spring season

The Galway Film Society has announced its winter/spring season for the new year. As usual, the films will be screened at the Town Hall Theatre [map]. Titles and dates are as follows:

Séraphine (17 Jan.), Home (24 Jan.), Mid August Lunch (31 Jan.), Welcome (07 Feb.), Tales from a Golden Age (14 Feb.), Bright Star (21 Feb.), White Ribbon (07 Mar.), Tulpan (14 Mar.).

I haven’t seen any of them yet, but it’s an interesting line-up, with a few in particular catching my eye. For more information on prices, booking, and the films themselves, see the Town Hall website.

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About the Author

Stan is a freelance writer and editor. He blogs about the English language at Sentence first and can also be found on Twitter.

3 Responses to Galway Film Society winter/spring season

  1. Stan says:

    The Town Hall have updated their website, so the link above now takes you to their home page.
    You’ll find the winter/spring film season on the left of the page, or click here for a direct link.

  2. Forbairt says:

    Oops Stan .. the redirects on the THT site should have worked I’ll take a look at them in a bit

    The URL linked above is http://www.tht.ie/?id=view&event=926 and should be http://www.tht.ie/?id=view&event=926 the & is causing the confusion there.

    You can now download the Galway Film Society brochure from http://www.gfs.ie


    EDIT: looks like & a m p ; is handled too nicely by comments and not by the post up above ?

  3. Stan says:

    James: Ah, those awkward ampersands! Thanks for your help, and the Galway Film Society link.

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