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Published on January 15th, 2010 | by Ronan


TV Preview: Boardwalk Empire

Yes, I know I’ve been harping on about The Pacific for a while now (it’s the new show from the Hanks-Spielberg Band of Brothers camp), but now I can bombard you with news of another television show that’s months away! Boardwalk Empire is the new drama from Sopranos writer and producer Terry Winter. Better still, the first episode is directed by none other than Martin Scorsese. It has a fantastic cast, including Steve Buscemi in the lead role, and British actress Kelly MacDonald, as well as Gretchen Mol and Michael Pitt.

It’s based on Nelson Johnson’s book Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times and Corruption of Atlantic City, and describes itself as a “prohibition gangster saga”. The perfect antidote for anyone who’s been suffering from Sopranos-withdrawl.

It’s due to air in September this year on HBO.

But now you can watch the official teaser trailer. 

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About the Author

Music blogger turned book/TV blogger. Avid follower of the Irish soccer team.

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