Want Some Free Cinema?
What are you up to tomorrow? Assuming you’re not spending the day in Rugby mode, why not drop along to the IFI’s Open Day? To mark the end of its major redevelopment project, and to officially launch the new cinema, IFI Café Bar, IFI Film Shop and other new and improved facilities, the Irish Film Institute is offering a day of free films to audiences old and new, for everyone from families and teens to cinematic thrill-seekers and culture vultures, the IFI Open Day promises to cater for all film tastes.
Tickets for all films will be available at 11am tomorrow from the IFI with a maximum of 4 tickets per person, all allocated on a first come, first served basis.. Tickets will not be available online or by phone.
If you want to know more, go to the IFI’s Website. I might see some of you tomorrow. ?