Lá na Gaeilge and St Patricks Day
As you can gather from the above title 😉 Tomorrow, Wednesday is not only St Patricks Day but also a day for using a little [or whatever you have….] of the mother tongue and some of the authors on Culch.ie are going to do their bit for the day.If you wish to get involved and don’t speak Irish…. grab Mary’s daughter from next door and ask her to write a few lines down for you. It doesn’t matter if there’s a few mistakes but just for the one day, for this day, a day of being Irish or more Irish in some cases, some of the Culch.ies are gonna bask in the glory of doing our wee bit and going all out river dancing leprechaun green be jaysis on ye. 😆
Here’s the post I did last year here on culch.ie and I also did one over on the landscaping blog. The # hashtag for the day is #lnag10 btw. [Short for Lá na Gaeilge]. There’s also the Lá Na Gaeilge website. If I am on twitter…. that’ll also be in Irish…. ladies and gentlemen start your potatoes 😉
Great post over on Inside Ireland and some fancy phrases to get you by.