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Published on April 17th, 2010 | by Lottie


The Picture of Dorian Gray – An Afternoon Tryst

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Bewley’s Tea Rooms – 15th April – 1st May 2010

The tea-room was filled with the rich odour of brewing coffee, and when the light spring sun cast it’s gentle rays across the spanning windows the dim roar of Grafton Street was no more than the bourdon note of a distant organ.

No, you haven’t fallen into a decadent drawing room circa 1890 but an afternoon of delicious temptation with a production of Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece, The Picture of Dorian Gray.

“The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.”

Wonderland Productions, in association with Dublin One City One Book present afternoon tea with a Wilde twist in the James Joyce Tea Rooms in Bewley’s, Grafton Street. Acted and narrated by Lord Henry (Simon Coury), Basil (Michael James Ford) and Dorian (Michael Winder) the play is intimate and thoroughly charming. Shared narration of the text intermingled with the dialogue means that the play loses little of Wilde’s delicious flair for description.

For those who have been living under an illiterate rock all of their lives The Picure of Dorian Gray is the scandalous fiction of a young man, Dorian, who around the turn of the 20th century, arrives in London having inherited his estranged grandfather’s house. His new friend Basil, inspired by Dorian’s beauty paints his portrait, arguably Basil’s best work. On seeing the portrait and under the influence of Lord Henry, Dorian wishes that he could stay young and beautiful forever. (A deal that in this production, either by coincidence or wonderful foresight was ominously struck in symphony with nearby Grafton Street bells.) 

“If I could get back my youth, I’d do anything in the world except get up early, take exercise or be respectable.”

Somehow this wish is granted and the sins of Dorian’s hedonistic life of indulgence, alcohol, drugs and sexual deviancy are borne out on the portrait as the true reflection of his soul while his handsome face remains unmarred by the turn of time.

“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”

Witty, sexy and dark, The Picture of Dorian Gray is my all time favourite book as can be evidenced by a snap shot of my book shelf, (yes, I have it in different languages but we all have our indulgences) and this afternoon delight was just wonderful.

Running from Thursday April 15th to Saturday 1st May the show starts at 4.30pm each day (no performances on Mondays) this is well worth taking an hour off work for. All tickets include an tiered lunch of exotic teas and cake stands laden with muffins, pastries, cream scones and cucumber sandwiches.

Recession Beating Offer: All tickets €24.95 until Friday 22nd April.

From 24th April – 1st May All tickets €29.95

Tickets: CentralTicket Bureau 0818 205 205, www.ctb.ie

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2 Responses to The Picture of Dorian Gray – An Afternoon Tryst

  1. Sinead Keogh says:

    I’m going on Saturday, how very exciting! I also very much like Moby Dick. Your bookshelf and I would get along famously ?

  2. Lottie says:

    Make sure you bring your dress gloves Lady. And you may remember my lustful glances at your own bookshelves recently. I’d suggest a trade off but I love my books.

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