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Movies no image

Published on April 22nd, 2010 | by NaRocRoc


Tarantino’s Camera Angel…

Usually movie stars and directors get all the glory. And the cash. And the awards. And the addictions and the rehab etc etc. But for once it’s nice to see someone from behind the camera getting some of the spotlight.

So step forward Geraldine Brezca.

Geraldine has worked on many movies including a few of Quentin Tarantino‘s (Jackie Brown, Kill Bill 1 & 2, and Death Proof) and in a variety of roles (from production assistant to camera assistant) but it is for her clapperboard work on Inglourious Basterds for which she has become known as Tarantino’s “Camera Angel”.

Check out this video to discover why…

Geraldine Brezca was the clapper / loader on Inglourious Basterds and it’s her unique and fantastic way of labelling scenes that have brought here a few well deserved minutes of fame, all before she steps back behind the camera. And thankfully some bright spark of an editor has compiled all of this into a compelling, almost hypnotic video. It’s inventive yet so simple. Lots of nice cinema references and minor swearing!

There has even been a facebook fan page set up in her honour. And sure why not?

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About the Author

Life goes by pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

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