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Published on May 12th, 2010 | by Sharon


Donegal Live in Templebar

Not to Mention the dreaded volcano, ‘Eyjafjallajokull’ is now a dirty word, but thanks to it you may be weary of travelling abroad. No fear. with all the wonderful and mostly free ‘check out my county’ festivals going on you can get an opportunity to explore Ireland again (roll back early 80s where everyone owned a caravan).

The latest one is Donegal Live running in Templebar this Sunday 16th of May 12pm to 6pm.


Live music, song and dance are the order of the day in Meeting House Square with performances from Altan, Clannad, The Plea, The Henry Girls, Donegal Tenors, Donegal Youth Orchestra, Aoife Ni Fhearraigh, Maria McCool, The Roots Orchestra, An Crann Óg, Fidil, and Aine O’ Doherty & Friends.

There are thousands of prizes to be won including 1,000 return coach tickets courtesy of John McGinley Coaches, 1000 free bed nights courtesy of Donegal Hotels and Self Catering providers and hundreds of other prizes including return flights courtesy of Aer Arann and Donegal airport and vouchers for various activities being sponsored by the participating tourism providers. To enter simply click on http://www.donegallive.ie/donegal_competition.php

Throughout Temple Bar you can expect fun for all ages with lots of impromptu comhaltas music, marching bands, street theatre, face painting and balloon modelling.

Curved street will be transformed into a sea of green and gold with Donegal Tourism providers showcasing all that County Donegal has to offer to the visitor.

Donegal artists will perform extracts from the Brian Friel collection including Philadelphia Here I Come, The Faith Healer and other Donegal literary pieces in New Theatre.

Please encourage your colleagues, relatives, neighbours and friends to come along on the day to experience the quality entertainment, accommodation, events and attractions that beautiful Donegal has to offer.

For further information visit www.donegallive.ie

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About the Author

comic fan and doodle bug with an unhealthy obsession in antique cameras

2 Responses to Donegal Live in Templebar

  1. Keleher says:

    Sounds like fun .. did not know that Clannad was playing again, wonder if this is just for this event, or if they’ll be back recording and performing again.
    I always wondered why they stopped.

  2. sharon says:

    The thing about this event is it’s all about the music and the spirit and blah blah blah.. but to be honest without taking that stuff into account DOnegal is a really gorgeous county, especially on a sunny weekend. The cliffs and nature park and surfing – its allll good. You NEED a car though (sadly for me I don’t drive)

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