I’d Forgotten How Much I Love Paul Neave…

My smallie (all of eight years, but she’s definitely no biggie) asked me yesterday what was the name of the site I taught her to play Tetris on. It came flooding back to me like a wave of hot, sugary whiskey - Neave. com, one of my favourite sites on the whole wide world wide web.

Paul Neave is an interaction designer. He has created the most wonderful clones of classic video games as Tetris, Frogger, and Pac Man - so wonderful, that Tetris have now officially sanctioned his version and brought it into the Tetris family. He also makes some of the most engaging, interactive light shows you are ever likely to see. A planetarium on your browser? The opportunity to doodle in 3D? Neave.com is the best waste of time you could possibly ask for on a Friday afternoon. If this doesn’t make you feel like you’ve just ODed on Skittles, you’re quite possibly allergic to fun.

Plus, the menu makes a little sound as you hover over each item. Remember, when you were a smallie yourself, those keyboards that used to come attached to cardboard books that taught Mary Had A Little Lamb in 1,2,3s? NOW THERE’S ONE IN YOUR BROWSER.