Wetting yourself with excitement over TRON (soundtrack)?
Dearest readers, right now I should be writing this weeks Ad Nauseam column – indeed it’s already late, but I just had to put pen to paper (or should that be keypad to pixel?) about the new movie Tron: Legacy, which in case you haven’t been to the cinema in a while, is gonna look a little something like this:
At this point, I have to admit that I’ve never even seen the original Tron movie, though relax film nerds, it is now top of my “ones to watch” list. So the fact that I, and many Tron-virgins like me are practically wetting themselves with excitement isn’t so much to do with the film itself (though it looks pretty darn hot), it’s to do with the movie score. Which has been composed by everyone’s favourite electro artists. The French duo who have managed to balance popular adoration with critical acclaim and all without revealing the faces underneath those robot helmets. Yes, it’s Daft Punk. Daft fucking Punk y’all. I’m beyond thrilled.
As is the case with everything these days the score has been leaked in part and can be streamed on Soundcloud. This piece is probably my favourite:
Daft Punk for Tron Legacy Soundtrack – Track 3 by Hypetrak
There has been mixed responses to the music with many people calling it derivative (and in fairness there is a touch of the Inceptions about it) but I’m willing to take a risk and say the full work will stand up to the test. And the fact that the be-helmeted ones are making new music can only be a good thing (new album please!).
Anyway, while getting super excited about it all today I visited the new website for the soundtrack (yes, even the soundtrack to the movies has its own dedicated website such is the level of hysteria surrounding this thing) and since I’m becoming a bit of a web-nerdy type I thought I’d take a look-see at the source code to see how they built the lovely, yet simple animation effects on the home page. I got more than I bargained for however, ‘cos the clever people from Tron have hidden something rather special in the code. I’m not going to tell you what it is though. You’re going to have to figure it all out for yourself. Here’s the website. Just stand back a few feet from your computer screen and enjoy.
Cool, huh?
I LOVE this soundtrack (well, from what i’ve just heard). Even if the film isn’t great then i will be purchasing this. Nice one ?