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The Culch no image

Published on September 29th, 2010 | by Dermot


Hubba Hubba

Last Saturday myself and this dude over here took a quick peek into the new Playstation® Hub in Dublin. By quick peek I do obviously mean stayed there for ages and acted the eejits. Even so, its pretty damn cool. What’s better than free gaming and a chance to check out new technology? ‘Druuuuuuugs’ would normally be the answer but this “did the job”.

To be able to walk straight in (free admission) and just start playing I thought was very interesting. I’ve never heard or known of anywhere like this. Sure, you can play short demo’s in places like Gamestop and the like but The Hub gives you the opportunity to play some exciting new PS3 game releases (Grand Turismo 5 and Killzone 3 to name a couple) and to test out the new Playstation® Move technology (Playstation’s took-way-longer-to-make-but-is-still-basically-the-same version of Wii motion sensing, in case ya hadn’t heard..)

The Playstation Hub is located at 50 South William Street until Sunday 14th November.
For more information and for opening hours visit www.facebook.com/sonyplaystationireland

Personally, I didn’t like the Playstation® Move. It is a good possibility that I’m so used to Nintendo® doing all the hard work for me, i.e the placement and direction of the Wiimote. However, I felt that even after so many years of research and design that the motion sensing was just a tad complicated. Its quite hard to explain but if you pop into the Playstation Hub and give it a go I think you may find it easier to reason with me.

The Motorstorm 3D demo had me going back to it a lot! Granted, it is still in pre-alpha testing, but it was my first ever taste of 3D gaming and 3D TV as well. I honestly would just go back there for the 3D television. I honestly would NOT go back for Kung Fu Rider for the PS Move which consisted of, solely I may add, asians flying down the road on an office chair, kicking Agent Smith, and collecting bubbles of what were seemingly peas…..?

Oh yes. Its nostalgia week here on Culch.ie correct? Original Playstation anyone? ?

Yes its an actual cake. Awesomeness in my mouth.

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60 % of the time, I work all the time.

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