Competition Closed: Cadburys and the Apprentice
*** Competition Closed ***
*** Congratulations to Corina Stone and Jamie Z ***
This week’s Apprentice task should have been fun and frolics for teams Fusion and Elev8. Instead, the two teams faltered, floundered and fell foul of their own egos and infighting. Set by Cadbury Spots v Stripes, this week’s challenge sent the two teams travelling to Timahoe and Tyrrells Pass to organise community games and sign people up to Spots v Stripes.
What should have been exciting and a great opportunity for candidates to shine, became another example of how this year’s hopefuls seem to be incapable of working together. With Panos’s whining, Will’s panicking, Barry’s over-inflated head, Nagaite’s grumpiness and Michelle’s inability to grasp the basics of money, the boardroom was destined to be one of the most riveting yet.
Bill Cullen was again appalled by both Fusion and Elev8, unimpressed with the leadership from either Will or Michelle. In the end, Cadburys was happier that Michelle’s team had embraced the Spots v Stripes concept best and left Team Elev8 to the mercy of Bill. The usual blame game began again, and when Will brought Panos and Nagaite back to the boardroom to decide their fate, Bill and his sidekicks, Brian Purcell and Jackie Lavin, were surprised that Jamie wasn’t brought back, feeling he had underperformed consistently.
An excellent defense by Panos and a solid explanation of strengths and abilities by Will, meant that Nagaite was an obvious target for the chop. Bill may not have been overwhelmed by the rest of the candidates, but this week he sent Nagaite packing.
Boardroom Battle Promotion
In a first for the Apprentice, Bill Cullen’s right and left hand man and woman, Brian Purcell and Jackie Lavin are going to be Project Managers. They have been appointed team leaders for the Apprentice Spots v Stripes competition. Both have to encourage people to sign up and play on With the opportunity to win €5,000, all you need do is pick a side. You will help decide if Brian and the Spots or Jackie and the Stripes win.
In August 2010, Cadbury Ireland launched its biggest ever campaign – Cadbury Spots v Stripes, with an unprecedented spend of €15million which aims to get people of all ages and walks of life to play games again. Young and old, people in villages and in towns, able-bodied and disabled people will be encouraged to play games and challenge each other.
For more information visit or visit either of the dedicated campaign pages on Facebook – or Competition
With thanks to this week’s challenge setters, Cadburys, has Two Cadburys Hampers to give away to our readers. We’re a democracy in Towers, so we’re letting you decide which team we’re supporting in the Spots v Stripes challenge. Leave a comment below telling us if we should support Brian’s Spots or Jackie’s Stripes and you will have the chance to win one of the Cadburys Hampers.
I’m voting for Brian. Tell us below whose side you are on…
I’m all for the women and look at that sexy stripey scarf on Jackie – you go girl !!
Ps i’d love a hamper pretty please!!
I’m going for Jackie. Just cause she is hotter.
Im going for Brain here mostly because I want to be mates with him. Not just because he is a nice guy but also in my life goal of wanting to be Han Solo, the only chance I might get is walking down the street beside him and hear people say ‘Wow its a fat short Han Solo and a shaven Chewie’
Definately Jackies stripes, girl power all the way
Brian Purcell: Bill, I keep seeing spots in front t of my eyes. BILL: Have you seen a doctor? Brian Purcell: No, just spots…
BTW I’m voting for Brian.
‘Fail to prepare, prepare to fail’
Jackie’s stripes – mainly because she looks DUUURTY
It’s gotta be Brian, just for his facial expressions in those pics!!!
I’m on Brians Spots team as Jackie has a crazed & slightly demented look in her eyes in the ad!!!!!
Speed stripes ftw!! Jackie is a cracker for her age, 62 and still would.
Brian ftw
Jackie… because I would… that is all.
I just don’t know.
Ah. Go on then.
Brian. For the sheer lack of compassion he had for Panos and his pronunciation skills.
Ba ba black sheep?
Brian should win. #fakingitcauseIwantthehamper
I’m all for jackie ?
I am going for Jackie’s stripes because stripes are so much more flattering on me than spots!
Jackie !!!!
Jackie’s stripes : Girls power !!
A Cadburys Hamper coming up to Christmas… Id be in heaven!! Its got to the Spots… Brian all the way!
Big Bad Brian! Spots rock!
Jackie- Girl power and all that!!
Brian, Because he has an awesome tie ?
Jackie has my vote
BRIAN. Because I love the big bouncer head on him.
Brian Go spots.
Jackie. She’s hot and I prefer stripes.
brian…because spots will always triumph.
Brian- He’s just to funny for words!
Brian has my vote
Jackie is going to win.
Brian…sure he even has the the bald spot !!!
Brian’s Spots just cos well its Brian…
Jackie to win. Brian couldn’t handle her!
Go Stripes Go. Spots will be wiped.
I’m with spots. Love Brian, he’s like a big cuddly bear.
Definitly Brian’s Spots team hes yummy just like cadburys id love either
I can’t decide…
Spots or Stripes?
Brian or Jackie?
I’m like a kid trying to choose a Cadbury’s treat at the counter (when there’s a queue forming behind!)
I’ll go for Spots : Jackie (sorry I meant BRIAN)
Definitely SPOTS (BRIAN) !
I’ll go with the stripes.
come on brian ?
come on the spots! so def for brians team!
Brian all the way
Im with Jackie. Im doing fairly well with her in the Cadbury games so here’s to continued success!
The spots will wipe out the stripes with their well-rounded know-how. Brian versus Jackie, it’s going to be a rout! C’mon the Spots!