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Published on March 14th, 2011 | by Peter


The People’s Republic of Gerry Murphy

When Morgan Jones handed me a CD by Gerry Murphy and told me it was hilarious I doubted it. Just look at it…. That’s what I did.

Maybe it was the name. Maybe it was the fact that he looks like he’s the support act for Declan Nerney. Tie that in with the lower left hand corner of the sleeve [the one I have…] where it says ‘set to music by Roger Gregg’. I was kind of thinking Rogers and Hammerstein…. mainly as it also says the poetry of Gerry Murphy in the other corner. And then I’m a little thinking….

Like what the f*@& Jones that’s what Lyric Fm is for….

I have to admit I’m a huge Marx Brothers fan. I thought I was a bigger spike Mulligan fan but Groucho just beats him hands down. I love the one one liners. I love the sort of:

groucho: where is your husband
lady: why he’s dead…
groucho: I bet he always uses that excuse

And for me, I’ve found it hard to come up with something similar in a long while. Also I have a habit of day dreaming, sometimes, sometimes when I get bored listening, to lets say a politician….

But Morgan has told me this guy is a genius. And this coming from your holiness the high king of the nut jobs association of Drumcondra. I re thought my assumptions and popped it in the CD player.

The speak on this CD starts out with a bit of backround jazz type music and I’m half sort of day dreaming driving and then he from no where bangs this line out….

within a very short time of my untimely death I was in dire need of a leak but the toilet was located at the opposite end of mortuary and besides, the mourners were milling about blocking the entrance….

I replayed it back…. flippin’ Nora. Call me doubting Thomas but, thats an alright line. I’ll think I’ll file that one next to Milligans epitaph. Which, for the record reads…

“Dúirt mé leat go raibh mé breoite.

Translated into English: I told you I was ill.

Not at all similarly, some of the noises that irritate Gerry include woof woof, car alarms and mormons. What could beat that you ask ? Try the poem feminist on beach in a dress suit. For the record, Superman comes out of that one quite badly.

And that’s my point exactly it is just so sporadic and off the walls. Personally, I love the poem called Up Yours gay Byrne which tells you in one verse all the ways you can end your days whilst the adds are on during the Late Late Show.

I’m pushing it a bit you think….? Yeah ? Crazy Dog audio Theatre turned the thing into freaking stage show and took it on tour! More you say ? It became a radio series and Gerry got a book deal. By the sounds of it Gerry is only short of a reality tv show on ITV4 and a dancing on ice job.

But that’s how good it is. The only difference is that I hadn’t heard about it, til now. I suppose, I should thank God and Morgan and Gerry I did. To quote Gerry himself and the chorus of Up Yours Gay Byrne, I suppose I should also look on the bright side.

To the Lads at Crazy Dog Audio Theatre, To Roger Clegg, To Gerry Murphy himself and equally to Morgan C. Jones for introducing me to Gerry’s work. Thank You. Fancy a CD ? carly Simon wouldn’t do too well ’round these parts - you can email if you are interested in getting one. [email protected] - And that’s not a joke.

Find crazy dog audio theatre on youtube. Find them at CrazyDogAudio.com.

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About the Author

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The @Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or www.doneganlandscaping.com

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