HONEST at The Matchbox Theatre
The Matchbox Theatre is a brand new theatre venue on South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2 underneath what is now known as ‘Le Café Des Irlandais’ and formerly Café Bar Deli. Intrigued as much as ever by the place as well as the event taking place in it, I headed down to the basement of Le Café Des Irlandais not quite sure what to expect.
The Matchbox Theatre was intimate and cosy with plush black curtains on walls, a black and white marble-looking floor, lit by candle light with generous glasses of wine being distributed and old mahogany cafe tables and chairs. To give you the scale of the place, I was reminded of the upstairs comedy club in the International…but size is where the similarities end. As they say themselves:
An atmospheric and accessible new venue, The Matchbox Theatre promises to be the perfect location for intimate performances, theatrical fantasy, innovative art-forms and decadent evenings of entertainment.
The performance that evening was the first to take place there and was a one man comedy, HONEST, written by DC Moore and performed by Edwin Mullane of the Back of the Hand Theatre Company. Centering on a man who has had just about enough of being a small and insignificant cog in the civil service on an STD team – that’s Strategic and Tactical Development to those of us not in the know – and of encountering useless people who seem to be promoted above him, Dave gets really drunk and really honest with the audience. From the opening line “I think I’m probably a bit of a cunt” you know Dave is going to very honest and down to earth, maybe to much so. But he holds nothing back in his chat with the audience and we go with him through a hellish night of boozing with his co-workers, followed by a hilarious and meandering binge-drinking trek around Dublin.
HONEST is a fantastic example of comedic storytelling and was a huge hit at the 2010 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I can highly recommend it for some after work entertainment. It begins nightly at 6.30pm in The Matchbox Theatre, duration 50 minutes.
€10.00 will buy you a ticket plus a pint – happy days. It is running nightly until 3 April 2011.
For more about HONEST, check out the website of Back of the Hand Theatre Company.
For more about The Matchbox Theatre, check out their Facebook page. The new website will also be ready any day now I am told…so keep an eye out ?