Review: The Adjustment Bureau
I went to see The Adjustment Bureau last week.
The trailer looked intriguing. Who were those men in hats, how were they able to open doors that lead to other places, and why are they trying to redirect the life path of Matt Damon’s character?
The men in hats, aka the Adjustment Bureau, including John Slattery of ‘Mad Men’.
As their adjustments to Matt Damon’s fate or timeline were not going as planned, the heavy, played by Terence Stamp, had to be brought in.
I thought that Anthony Mackie had the best role in the film, as he seemed to be on the side of Matt Damon’s character, a politician, and the woman he met that was the cause of concern for the men of The Adjustment Bureau.
Here is a trailer for the film:
Emily Blunt was quite alluring as the love interest that was not to be allowed into his life.
For those that have not seen the film yet, spoiler alert.
Not to far into the film I realized that The Adjustment Bureau was not some government team with special technologies or abilities to change timelines and fate, but were rather guardian angels trying to keep God’s plans for people in line. The only visible tools they had were books showing the timeline and how fate was changing, and yes those hats, that allowed them to change where doors lead in the effort to thwart the two as a couple. Matt Damon’s character is given the hat by Anthony Mackie’s character and the chase around New York City ensued from buildings to Liberty island as every door leading somewhere. The couple eventually get to headquarters for The Adjustment Bureau in search for the boss which leads to the roof, they are finally cornered, then the men in hats, except for Anthony Mackie’s character disappear. He then said that She had changed the plans and they were free to live their lives, the page in the book to the future now blank and for theirs to write or decide.
The film was much more cerebral, making you think, more so than an action film.
I think it is a film worth seeing.
I thought this film was tripe. I was very let down by Matt Damon.
I do not like tripe, but liked the film, me being me I suppose. Matt Damon was quite transparent in the film, did not impress. How many real performances of importance and depth of character do we see anymore. Films for the most part are all flash and no content or without lasting effect on mind, heart or soul. Thanks for being honest.
I was laughing at the ridiculousness of the story in the cinema. I just couldn’t warm to the story or the characters. It had the dodgy story that goes along with an action film. Don’t get me wrong I love those. It just lacked action.
You are right, Efa, agreed. I tend to like films that most do not. Me being me, marching to my own drum. Am hoping that Source Code is better. I appreciate that you commented on the post.