An Interview (of sorts) with Mark from Ash
With the Temple House Festival nearly ready to rock off with its socks off this weekend, I caught up with Mark from headliners Ash to chat about it. Which was the plan really, however in true past form the interview soon turned into chatting about Star Wars (a lot) and girls (the lack thereof). So yeah, enjoy it, he’s a bit lovely.
A: ‘Ello Mark! Dear god whats that noise?
M: Its pissing down rain here, its awful.
A : What are you doing outside then, man?
M : I was rehearsing in the studio but the reception is awful, so I’m hiding out here, trying to avoid the rain.
A: Well, I’ll be quick and let you get indoors. The bonus of this being a phone interview, though, is I don’t need to mess about with tie knots and I can do this in my underwear in between busting baddies in L.A Noire. Anyway, Ash are coming back to us!
M: Yeah, we’ve got loads of shows coming up. Whelan’s is going to be great, seen so many bands there but have never actually played it.
A: And, of course, you’re headlining the very fancy Temple House Festival down in Silgo. Looking forward to being the kings of a new castle?
M: Oh absolutely, can’t wait. Festivals will always be good. Last year we played Oxegen and the day ran on, which meant everything cut into our time and we were left with only a half hour and no planning time. At first we were pissed off, but we just played every hit single we have ever had to a packed tent with people walking by after Muse finished, so even that turned out pretty good.
A: Can I make request for the set-list at the Temple House Festival? An Ash song, that I sadly only heard today but was rocked by it – your version of the Cantina song from Star Wars. Any chance of it creeping in?
M : Emmm… I dunno actually,
A : I think you should. I mean throw in some of the hits too but how about this: I’m thinking Cantina song, maybe the Jurassic Park theme and then as an encore, rock out to ‘Fair City’?
M : We could do that. Though the reason why we started to play the Cantina music live, apart from being huge Star Wars fans, is that Ewan McGregor invited us to play at the wrap party after Phantom Menace.
A: Wait, what?
M: Yeah, they were filming bits in London so he invited us to come. We got to see the sets and then we gave them a gig. We had that from a B-side ages ago and we thought we should play something to do with the film. At first no one had a clue who we were but when we started that their heads picked up and they had a ‘this is great’ smile on.
A : I mean, you guys have done cool things, but that must be at the top of the list surely?
M : It was a great moment, being such a Star Wars kid, but I’ve been very lucky. I’ve been to Skywalker Ranch three times.
A : I kinda hate you right now.
M : First time was after we gave music to one of the games so they let us stay there, and then we were invited to do a show for ILM so we got to stay again. So at this stage I had made some friends, so I got invited to a media event based around Revenge of the Sith, and loved it.
A : That would be a dream. You lucky, lucky lad, you! Though on the subject of Ash, music and movies, my favorite Ash tune is A Life Less Ordinary; bloody love the tune and the film.
M: Thanks a lot.
A: I’ve been using its brilliant pounding beat in the gym trying to lose some weight in the hope of, maybe, meeting a lady.
M: Sounds good.
A: So my question is, what Ash song should I use in the next stage of wooing a lady?
M : Well it depends if you wanna be all rough or smooth, really.
A : Well, I’ll take anything.
M : Well then, if you want to be smooth we released a song last year called ‘True Love 1980’. Its an 80’s themed retro synth heavy tune; I think all the girls love that one.
A : I was thinking ‘Candy’, I could hella see myself meeting the love of my life while that plays.
M : Well actually, we do have a really dirty song about S&M as well, so whatever you’re into yourself, really.
A : So pick my target before I pick my Ash song? Though S&M may be the way… Sir, I shall let you get out of the rain; you’re a gentleman and a legend
M : No worries mate, take care.
The Temple House Festival takes place in Silgo from the 10th to the 12th of June.
And finally….