Human Sacrifice in Cork.
Bit of a stretch, holding this in Cork, isn’t it? Where’re they gonna get a virgin?
The inaugural Solstice Festival, an offshoot of the Cork Midsummer Festival, has been ticking away playfully on the third floor of the Old FÁS building since Thursday. The Solstice festival finishes tomorrow, so to see it off with a bang they’ve teamed up with Dublin-based performance collective Come As Soon As You Hear to present Human Sacrifice, an evening of DJs, dancing and … er … virgin bloodshed at the Midsummer Festival’s Spiegeltent. Taking the idea of a closing party wickedly literally, no?
Kicking off at 10pm at Murphy’s Midsummer Nights at The Spiegeltent, the event will see a pretty young virgin pay the ultimate price as a gesture of gratitude to The Gods for a bountiful harvest. Dress to distress and don’t forget your dancing shoes as DJs Conor Behan and Joey Kavanagh will be soundtracking the slaying with a palette of pagan electropop.
Jaypers. That has to be the most decadent thing happening in Cork tomorrow outside of Auntie Nellie’s Sweet Shop! If you’re dahn South for the weekend, or just stuck here like me, do pop along to hear and witness what the Come As Soon As You Hear folks have in store.
Tickets are €10 and you can grab ’em here. Video after the jump.