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Published on June 27th, 2011 | by Lisa McInerney


Go Swoon at The Dying Seconds at The Workman’s Club. The National Commands It!

Waiting on the next big bang in your day-to-day? Ah, good news then! Purveyors of delicious soundscapes and all-round interesting people The Dying Seconds play The Workman’s Club this Thursday, so, you know, you’d want to get your arse ’round to that.

From two fellas with laptops to a full line-up of musicians playing all kinds of everything (including lots of drums, we’re told), The Dying Seconds have hugely expanded on the sounds and styles of 2007’s eponymous debut and are bursting to get out there and churn up a storm. Having just finished work on their second album, Glimmerers, the gang have planned a blast of live dates to take them through the rest of 2011 … well worth catching, but don’t just take my word for it. The National found ’em when in Dublin recently, where Aaron had this to say:

“A bunch of us fell for the Dying Seconds at a packed late night show upstairs at Whelan’s, Dublin, in December. It felt like the ferocious coming out of a great new band.” 

Jaypers. That’s praise so high it might well be pulled over for driving the wrong way down the dualler.

Here’s the tastiest of tastes from Glimmerers – second single Mora Minn, due for release on August 12th, and first single Kid Logic … the video for which you can see after the jump.

Glimmerers prerelease tracks by thedyingseconds


This is exciting stuff, kids. I’ll Make The Best Weapon and Sleep When You’re Dead were two of my favourite Irish releases of recent years, so the band’s expansion of both sound and space taken up in the tour bus is just the job to tickle my lugs. Do enjoy!

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About the Author

That cranky young wan from award-winning blog, Arse End Of Ireland, Lisa’s also noted for her dedication to cobbling together unrelated imprecations to make new and bemusing insults, mostly because she’s not eloquent enough to otherwise explain her deep-seated terror of genre fiction and Fianna Fail. In 2006, The Irish Times called her “… the most talented writer at work in Ireland today”, and her mam still can’t understand why this is better than being the new Marian Keyes. Which it totally is. Alright? Website Twitter: @SwearyLady Facebook.com/sweary Last FM: LeislVonTrapp

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