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Published on June 28th, 2011 | by Andy Gaffney


I Heart Tea Crowd – Episode 6 Bipolar Empire

This month on Tea Crowd we had a brilliant time hanging out with the guys from Bipolar Empire, chatting tea, Oxegen and Pat Kenny…

As usual, as well as pop culture interview goodness, we’ve got a prize to keep you happy. This month’s hamper from Lyons Tea also contains a signed CD from the guys. If you want to have a go at winning it, the competition question is: What’s only useful when it’s broken? And we don’t want the Google answer, we’ll accept any of the answers given by the band. Get entering in the comments below.


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About the Author

Tea crowder, housekeeper, comedy heart throb

59 Responses to I Heart Tea Crowd – Episode 6 Bipolar Empire

  1. Deirdre Durran says:

    Glow stick

  2. Katriona says:

    a glowstick

  3. Jen says:


  4. Yvonne Blake says:

    A Glowstick

  5. redlass says:

    Glowstick! I heart Lyons tea…

  6. Damien says:

    Glow stick

  7. Aline says:

    A glowstick !

  8. emer says:

    A glowstick – ?

    lovely prize – fingers crossed!

  9. Derek says:

    A Glowstick

  10. Mark B says:

    An EGG… Haha, great interview that!

  11. Mark B says:

    Great questions there!! Its defintely not a heart so i’ll go for A Glow Stick!

  12. samantha says:

    a glowstick

  13. Ronan says:

    A glowstick

  14. Sandra says:

    A glowstick!

  15. Patricia says:

    Perfect – A Glowstick

  16. Linda Callaghan says:

    Glow Stick

  17. Maire C says:

    a hardboiled egg – otherwise you cant eat it

  18. doug barnes says:

    a Glowstick

  19. Carmel says:

    After suggesting heart, egg, they settled for the official answer: ………Glowstick

  20. Emma Q says:

    A safe…. preferable with lots of lyons tea and pretty jewels inside

  21. mark watters says:

    Well now the Greeks are broke..it’s pretty usefull for us and our glowsticks!

  22. Owen Molloy says:


  23. Nicole Bartley says:

    A glowstick

  24. Zoe says:

    A glow stick.

  25. Mairead Gallagher says:

    A Glowstick

  26. sean thompson says:


  27. Thomas says:

    A glow stick

  28. Gavin Murray says:

    a glowstick

  29. theresa says:

    A glow stick!!!!

  30. susan cunningham says:

    A glow stick

  31. Ruth Rogers says:

    They finally decided on …. glowstick!

  32. gmc says:


  33. Ciara OREilly says:


  34. Cathal ODoherty says:

    A fire alarm glass push trigger

  35. Cathal says:

    James franco’s arm in 72 hours was only useful ones he broke it off

  36. feelyd says:

    Glow Stick, duplicate comment ?

  37. claire dennehy says:

    glowstick, hopefully theres a lyons cup in the hamper,love their cups!

  38. mick Dwyer says:

    Well this question has me puzzled i am a firm believer that anything, broken or unbroken, is still usable, yet just this once ill follow the flock glowstick

  39. feelyd says:

    How about egg ?

  40. David Connolly says:


  41. Josephine M says:

    A glowstick!

  42. lovely_hurlin says:

    a subordinate’s spirit?

  43. Irene D says:

    a glow stick

  44. Gareth Grehan says:

    A glow stick

  45. Joe says:

    That’d be a GLOWSTICK (couldn’t find a fluorescent font!)

  46. richard says:


  47. Conor says:


  48. Siobhan Daly says:

    a glowstick! ?

  49. Jaki says:

    a mumford and sons CD

  50. Tan says:


  51. Dermot says:


  52. BMG says:

    A glowstick

  53. Caroline says:

    So while your answer was ‘an egg’, yourself and the band have now officially changed it to ‘a glowstick’.

    But, what about a horse, the code to a safe, uncomfortable shoes, the seal of a bottle of , a Terry’s Orange Chocolate or more importantly the seal on the Lyons Tea hamper!

    Ah go on, I <3 tea and Tea Crowd and would cherish a Lyons Tea hamper like Clare’s.

  54. Caroline Kelly says:

    So while Andy had initally believed it to be an egg the band decided a glowstick was a much better answer and the correct answer has now been changed to a Glowstick!However, did ye consider a terrys orange chocolate, a horse, the code to a safe or the seal on a bottle of booze?

    Would absolutley love a Lyons Tea Hamper as I just <3 Tea Crowd. Hoping there’s a chance of maybe getting a I <3 Tea Crowd Mug too, is there?

  55. Bernolan1 says:

    Silence, heart, glo stick

  56. Bernolan1 says:

    Silence, heart, glo stick

  57. Davin says:

    Its not an egg, its not a jigsaw, its a glowstick!

  58. Davin says:

    Its not an egg, its not a jigsaw, its a glowstick!

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