New Music: We Are Losers – Sunset Song
I was lucky enough to be reared with a vinyl player in my bedroom growing up. I was fortunate moreseo to know people who knew that Ziggy Stardust wasn’t an affliction and John Peel didn’t come in a jar. In the name of Dave Fanning, the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At my age, one realises the better reared bands and the better music really does come the old route and in all honesty, good old hard slog, a bit of back lash hither dither and maybe one or two gigs where your amp blew up – never really did hurt anyone. At the very least you know that threatening to throw in twitter after a shite review really isn’t the way Keith Richards would have dealth with it – even if you can make decent Metallica-like hand gestures, you probably only knew one of their songs.
To brighter pastures and fresher than the unpasteurised milk from an imaginary suckler of the future come We Are Losers. Here’s their latest news:
Leeds indie Dance to the Radio are excited to announce the debut release of Irish band We Are Losers with two slabs of glorious lo-fi fuzz pop, ‘Sunset Song’ and ‘Cheerleader’. Released on Friday 15th July in Ireland, and Monday 18th July in UK.
Normally, pre – this juncture I would ignore the PR blurb that comes with and write my own mind. But for the first time in ever, I like how and what is written and moreso I like the mention of two slabs and the fact that they are noted as having started as a bedroom project. Also I didn’t wanna touch the reference to regurgitating distorted no-hoper ditties.
More than that ? We Are Losers sound the type that wouldn’t moan about missing out on a gig when they were never gonna replace Jessie J. I base that theory on their name alone – and on that note, you can prance around in a denim skirt all you like, I like my stripes earned the hard way and I’ll look forward to saving up my pocket money that little bit longer just to get the 12″ version.
To the casual observer, Ireland’s We Are Losers could easily be roped in with the burgeoning no-fi scene happening across the globe, regurgitating distorted no-hoper ditties nonstop till the toolmakers decide it’s over. But peel back the layers of fuzz and 4-track hiss and the true heart of We Are Losers’ music is exposed – a cheeriness where others are nihilistic, a hope where there is usually none and in Gavin Elsted’s lyrics, a wide-eyed directness instead of hipster posturing.
Beginning as a bedroom project of Elsted’s, We Are Losers were quickly assembled from former bandmates Stephen Conlan and Gary Clarke and mutual friend Bronwyn Murphy-White to form a live band which quickly made a name for itself in Dublin’s indie-pop circles, as the fledgling band cut its teeth with supports with Local Natives and The Phantom Band. The hype grew, with over 2,000 plays of their free eponymous EP registering within three months of being active and free download ‘Cheerleader’ climbing into seventh place in the most blogged about songs on blog aggregator The Hype Machine.
All in all I like We Are Losers. I like their music. I like their latest track, Sunset Song. Rebel that I am, I might even make it song of the week. Something that hasn’t happened since I turned up a week early for the Henrietta Game launch and pre that meeting The Riptide Movement. More info via
I like their labels take on it
Like Raey said, bit like the Ramones meets the Beach Boys, close enough we suppose (but not really).