Quick Review: Recent Reads #2
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling.
Yes I’m little bit behind the rest of planet earth in that I’ve only just finished this, the fourth in the Harry Potter series. But just in case there’s anyone out there who hasn’t gotten to it yet, I’ll try to avoid spoilers. Here we get a sense of the 3 main characters growing up and suffering from the same teen related goofiness we did at their age. And later, we get a taste of that darker writing style which stays for the rest of the series. Easily my favourite Harry Potter so far, this book shocked me just as much as it did everyone else. Brilliant, awe inspiring genius from J.K. Rowling.
Scores: 4 out of 5.
Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons.
I read Carrion Comfort when I was a teenager and always remembered it as one of my favourite books. I recently decided to read it again 15 years later and can safely say it’s still one of my favourite books. It’s an epic tale of mind vampires that will have you completely hooked by chapter 3. I’ve never read anyone who writes action scenes as well as Simmons and his historical research is impressive. It’s a long book, but if you like horror or thrillers, I’d really recommend you pick it up. Stephen King calls it “one of the three greatest horror novels of the 20th century.”
Scores: 5 out of 5.
The Terror is a fictional horror tale based on the real life doomed Captain Sir John Franklin’s lost expedition of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror to the Arctic in 1845 – 1848. Simmons uses his talent for research to recreate the hardships these sailors must have faced, and that’s before the horror/fiction begins. Again it’s a long book, and at times I did think it could have been edited down to improve the pace. That said it’s still a great read with some clever characterisation and heart thumping action. Recommended.
Scores: 3 out of 5.