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The Culch no image

Published on August 15th, 2011 | by Peter


The Podcast Sessions #1

My problem is finding the podcasts I like. And to be fair, there are some great ones out there. Some from the man on the street, some from the big boys of the media world – some, like my own, maybe, fall in the middle ground and often somtimes don’t get that little umph or simply an applause/ notoriety/ pat on the back for the hard work that they deserve.

Any Regular Podcast People Out There ? (mp3)

This exercise may become time-consuming – and so to lessen that, here’s what I will ask for [see below], including your help. It will also mean that when you click the podcast category here on culch.ie there will be some sort of easy how do I find the link to subscribe to this podcast type set up.

If you have one you like, or you do one, just pop me a comment/email/other and let me know. For radio shows, just add an online station link. I recommend tunein.com as it has that preset station thingy. They’ll be published weekly and I’ll simply start with the ones I like the most. It should appear a little something like so…

Details for submissions after the jump. 

What you need to give me – like so if ye can, if ye can’t don’t sweat it ?

  • Podcast name: The SodShow
  • Description: The Podcast of Dublins Garden Radio Show
  • Hosts: Brian Greene &Peter Donegan
  • About: [2 lines max will do you fine here] The SodShow – Fridays 3pm – 103.2 Dublin City Fm Dublins Garden Radio Show. Hosted by gardener Peter Donegan & not so green fingered Brian Greene.
  • Where to Find it: facebook/ blog/ itunes and listen live
  • Images: One or Two [max] images – and make them about 125kb
  • Also: an episode with an embeddable player or simply just a link to the show in mp3 that you like the most or just the most recent podcast episode

let me know about a podcast: email – [email protected]

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About the Author

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The @Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or www.doneganlandscaping.com

3 Responses to The Podcast Sessions #1

  1. Good man Peter! I like this idea very much. I still think Adam and Joe on BBC 6 do good ones, as do NPR, i like their pop culture happy hour, although it gets kind of annoying with the same intro every episode. And of course, you have the unstoppable force of Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo.

    Yours is the best though, obv.

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