ESB Launch Online Treasure Hunt for Electric Picnic Tickets
ESB Electric Ireland are running an online treasure hunt to win Electric Picnic tickets kicking off tomorrow, Monday August 22nd and finishing Friday August 26th.
Online you say?
Yes. Using the hashtag #sharetheenergy combined with a Live Google Map and Facebook App, users can find the five secret locations where the Electric Ireland Sparkheads are waiting with the tickets.
Would be festival-goers simply need to tweet #Sharetheenergy. The more the hashtag is tweeted, the closer the map will zoom into where the tickets are hidden. Then, a special code word is revealed along with the exact details of the secret location where the Electric Ireland Sparkheads are waiting with the tickets.
Once Tweeters have the location details they can use the mobile version of the map and the race begins as they make their way to the location to find the hidden Sparkhead for real. The first person to find the Sparkhead, and tell him the daily code word will receive five tickets to Electric Picnic – so they can share their energy with their friends or followers!
Innovative? Exciting?
Hells yeah. Happy Tweet Hunting.