Published on August 23rd, 2011 | by Darren Byrne
0Oh Tom, you cookie old thing, of course we’ll buy your album #piracyiswrong
I love Tom Waits. I adore him. His melancholic, depressing, morbid, growling, gloomy tones make me feel bouncy happy. If Misery is the River of the World, he is my boat. Or at least a dinghy (perhaps with a slow puncture). Maybe he’s a plank of wood or a barrel that I can latch hold of. Sorry, hang on, what? Yes, my metaphor drifted away from me. My point is: I love his music. And with so many years between each release, the anticipation of a new album is always high.
His new album, Bad As Me, his first new studio album in seven years, will be released on October 25th and in his preview video he takes a shot at those who would dare to share his music…on the the interwebs…prior to its release date.
What if I called you first and I said, ‘Betty, you know, is pregnant.’ What if I spoiled your surprise that way? Would you be okay with that? What if you had a root canal and I asked you to gargle with raw sewage? What if I asked you to jumprope with a live electric wire?
I think his metaphor drifted away towards the end there too. Judge for yourself…
I. Can’t. Wait. 🙂