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The Culch no image

Published on August 29th, 2011 | by Peter


The Podcast Sessions #2: Sunday News by Topgold

bernie ggoldbach

  • Podcast name: Sunday News Review [disclaimer: has no one official name]
  • Description: A review of Ireland’s Sunday newspapers, less all of the bits I don’t really want to hear - i.e. celeb gossip/ glee club et al, taken from the perspective of an American living in Ireland.
  • Host: Bernie ‘Topgold’ Goldbach

Culch.ie Says:

If you don’t buy a newspaper - but you have a brain and dislike Glee club then this one is for you.

If you don’t know Bernie Goldbach, there are I should tell you in advance, one or two things about his weekly news podcast that will happen every week, [First] Bernie loves his nokia and [two] the ex-US Air Force pilot loves telling you all of the ways in which and where you can find him online. Make no mistake about it, you will hear both mentioned. That said….. from a podcasters perspective, there is maybe a little I [and many of the ‘pro’ podcasts] could take and learn from Bernie in this regard. And when you realise that every single Sunday, the big Lancaster County, Pennsylvanian gives me my news in audio - so I can listen to only the important bits as I walk with my daughter - I can’t really argue and will not complain.

All in all, I like Bernie’s take on life. I like his opinion. I have heard his voice every single Sunday for almost two years now. And you can pretty much grasp that I’m a big fan of this podcast. What some may forget is with weekly/ current/ todays newspapers - one can’t do a pre-record. It is every-single-sunday-of-the-year, recorded on that day. When Bernie went back home - to the US - for family holidays - Bernie reviewed the Sunday papers from Pennsylvania. That, is dedication. The flip side ?

There is nothing worse than a podcast, amateur or not and waiting for it to upload only to realise yer man was out the night before and it’s not happening today…..

As a follow up to Freakonomics, this may be a little surprising to some, partly possibly as Bernie records into either a Sony ICD MX20 or a Nokia phone from his back garden [my note here on contrasting sound qaulity] but, Bernie has been talking to me, weekly, longer than any other podcast I know. Why is his Sunday news podcast so good ? For a start, he lectures in social media and he has an opinion which is generally balanced as versus bandwagon. It can lean towards the techie side some days and may also mention Clonmel but as Sunday news reports go - it generally lasts about 10 minutes and is more entertaining than the Sky News version.

Irish Sunday News [8:37] (mp3)

Every Sunday, uploaded somewhere around lunch time.

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About the Author

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The @Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or www.doneganlandscaping.com

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