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Published on December 12th, 2011 | by Amanda


Events: Dislike! A Facebook Guide to Crisis

After a sold-out premiere at the Kilkenny Cat Laughs and sell out shows in Whelans, the Vodafone Comedy Carnival in Dublin and the Galway Comedy Festival, and a not-bad-sales-at-all-in-fairness and critical acclaim at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Colm O’Regan brings his hilarious show Dislike! A Facebook Guide to Crisis to the Project Arts Centre.

Do you want to find out why Rapunzel has no stairs? The only real deterrent to grammatical errors in Facebook status updates? Or what to do if a billionaire developer threatens to sue you for defamation? You do? Then this show is for you!

Critics love him…..

Genuine Hilarity…upbeat charm…Like Chortle
Effortless Talent, Funny, Informative and Resourceful **** The List
Comic Genius, ****
Deadpan with hilarious consequences – Irish Times

Solicitors not so much it seems…”Went far beyond what is accepted as comedy” – Solicitor’s Letter. (No stars)

Spend €12/€10 and make up your own mind!

Where: Project Arts Centre
When : 16 – 17 DEC 2011
Time: 8.15pm
Cost: €12/€10

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About the Author

So here is my bio…..hmmm…So…. I write obviously! I like to talk too (sometimes even to random strangers!) 🙂 and take photos! I read a bit too. I love going to comedy gigs, cinema, just being out basically it seems! For more randomness from my head, visit my blog http://pixiedust4.wordpress.com 🙂

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