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Published on January 18th, 2012 | by Peter


Real Trad Irish Session: Fingal Folk Club Returns for 2012

fingal folk club dublin

Returning for 2012 this Friday January 20th… In what looks like from the outside [and is if you must know] an old Irish national school hall, every Friday takes places what can only be one of Ireland’s hidden music gems. The great ones always are. Step inside however and you might be quite surprised….

Inside decorated cloth drapes the windows, lighting shines within certain parts of the rooms, image are blown onto the walls and the table tops are covered over with night lights placed in their centre. A little dark Parisian café-ish, but Irish. The musicians travel from all over and the difference ?

This does not take place in a pub. [Still trad. Still folk. Still A ruddy great session.] The youngers are therefore welcomed and enter free as do the musicians. For those of neither category: €5 - and like a good JML TV3 late night advert, but wait - there’s more….

Led by music maestro’s The Morning Dew band, with other great’s like Culch.ie friend Martin byrne and other greats of the trad scene, hit half time and there’s even a cuppa in store. The great thing about great sessions ? The quest for the next great one. A love of the music. The reason why it all started.

Fridays 8pm - Ballyboughal old school [directly opposite O’Connors Pub - the only pub in the village - that session kicks off at 10pm 😉 ].

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About the Author

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The @Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or www.doneganlandscaping.com

2 Responses to Real Trad Irish Session: Fingal Folk Club Returns for 2012

  1. Eoin D says:

    Really nice piece! See you there Friday!

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