COMPETITION CLOSED: Well Luke What We Have Here. It’s Invasion Dublin!
Everyone knows that the best convention ever was the one at the end of Galaxy Quest, but as that was kind of a one-off, and also entirely fictional, your best bet for geeky frolics and detailed debates about protocol for computer systems that haven’t been invented yet is to get yourself along to Invasion Dublin. Yup, Ireland’s Star Wars convention returns to Citywest from the 4th to the 6th of May. May the FOURTH be with you, in fact. Ha. Ha-ha.
Invasion Dublin promises to be stuffed to Jar-Jar’s gills of the entertaining, the educational, the bizarre and the nostalgic. This year there’s a pleasing and very healthy emphasis on the science in science fiction, with talks and demonstrations on space travel and robotics. Fans will have the opportunity to check out beautifully detailed replicas, including – eek! – the Emperor’s throne room from the Death Star, the Mos Eisley cantina, and a full-size (though probably not as sassy) R2-D2. A cast of our favourite heroes and villains will be on site, including Jeremy Bulloch, the original Boba Fett. Nerdgasm? I nearly sith myself!
The highlight of this year’s programme is the European debut of James Arnold Taylor’s one-man show “Talking To Myself”. Taylor is a massively successful voice-over artist – he plays Obi Wan and Plo Koon in the animated series ‘The Clone Wars” – and “Talking To Myself” features over 150 of his different characters and allows his audience a rare glimpse into the world behind the mike (if, like me, you’re a massive Final Fantasy fan, you may want to berate him over Tidus’ shocking fashion sense. Though technically it’s probably not his fault).
To celebrate the return of the Jedi (arf!), Culch have four pairs of day passes to give away for the event. To be in with a chance to nab yourself a pair, leave us a comment on who your favourite Star Wars character is. Winners are chosen at random, so the quality of the answers doesn’t count. We’re just curious as to whether anyone else thinks Lando trumps Han every time.
Go on, leave a comment. Yoda want to miss out on this…
I’ll get me cloak.
Darth Vader. I always choose the dark side!
Jar Jar Binks.
Because he’s the most fleshed out character in the prequels. ?
Leia… she kicked ass in the first movie, instead of being the damsel in distress.
YODA..No other Jedi so completely encapsulates what it means to be a Master.
Does having a daughter called Leia mean we are Jedi’s ?
Darth Vader – need i say more!
Han Solo. What a scoundrel!
me of course!
Boba Fett. He was barely in the movies but still left such an impression on me as a child … … … a 27 year old child! ?
Princess Leia
Today easily
Yoda, stupid autocorrect
Han Solo and he was my first crush. Sigh!
Han, as long as it’s the right one who SHOOTS FIRST. Ahem.
Has to be yoda ? love him!
Han! he’s a legend
Darth Vader – need i say more!
Chewbacca or ChewIe to his friends
Princess Lea
Han Solo, still looking great.
Han Solo. He’s dreamy.