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Published on January 24th, 2012 | by Jen McShane


Oscar Nominations 2012

While I feel compelled to tell you that, yes, this year’s Oscar nominations have been announced (hurrah!), I also must tell you that all of us here at Culch are a little devastated. That’s right, The Fass has been over looked for an Oscar this year. *throws bricks at Academy members* And quite frankly, I just want to know why. To quote Joey from Friends : “Why, God. Why are you doing this to us?!” I have a feeling it’s to do with the Rated R aspect of the film but still. That’s no excuse. Anyway, the brick throwing much sums up our feelings on the matter. And while this means that I shall never again look at the Oscars the same way (EVER), I must press on and congratulate all the other nominees and films that did make the cut.  Firstly, there were some surprises this year. For an awards show known for its predictably, the boat has been slightly rocked this time around.

Martin Scorsese’s 3D film Hugo took a staggering 11 nominations, leaving award season favourite The Artist trailing with just 10. I sure didn’t see that one coming. Hugo is a very enjoyable film I don’t think it deserves to sweep the board. Interesting.

Meanwhile, Bennett Miller’s Moneyball took six nominations, with Alexander Payne’s The Descendants – which was the surprise winner at this years Globes – taking just five. The nine films that made the Academy’s best picture list: The Artist, The Descendants, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Help, Hugo, Midnight in Paris, Moneyball, The Tree of Life and War Horse all were fairly in the bag. Actually, scratch that. What the hell is The Tree Of Life doing there? They snuck that one in alright.

There where a few notable surprises. A Better Life‘s Demián Bichir was included in the best actor list, possibly at the expense of Leonardo DiCaprio and The Fass (why, God, why?) although veteran and all around brilliant actor Gary Oldman finally managed to get a nod (I’m doing a dance as I type this). Yay!

I was disappointed to see that the excellent Carnage and all the cast were left out completely and that Charlize Theron didn’t get anything for The Adult. Sad face. But delighted that Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris got two and again, Gary Oldman got one. Happy Face. The 84th Academy Awards will be presented in a ceremony on 26th February, hosted by comic legend Billy Crystal. I’m expecting great things Billy.

Anyway, there you have my rant on some of this years nominees. I’d say place your bets now, but the wound from The Fass snub just runs too deep. For your viewing pleasure, I have included a list of the main contenders below.

Best Supporting Actress

Berenice Bejo – The Artist

Jessica Chastain – The Help

Melissa McCarthy – Bridesmaids

Janet McTeer – Albert Nobbs

Octavia Spencer – The Help

Best Supporting Actor

Kenneth Branagh – My Week with Marilyn

Jonah Hill – Moneyball

Nick Nolte – Warrior

Christopher Plummer – Beginners

Max Von Sydow – Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Best Actress

Glenn Close – Albert Nobbs

Viola Davis – The Help

Rooney Mara – The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo

Meryl Streep – The Iron Lady

Michelle Williams – My Week with Marilyn

Best Actor

Demian Bichir – A Better Life

George Clooney – The Descendants

Jean Dujardin – The Artist

Gary Oldman – Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Brad Pitt – Moneyball

Best Director

Michel Hazanavicius

Alexander Payne

Martin Scorsese

Woody Allen

Terrence Malick

Best Original Screenplay

Michel Hazanavicius – The Artist

Annie Mumolo & Kristen Wiig – Bridesmaids

J.C. Chandor – Margin Call

Woody Allen – Midnight in Paris

Asghar Farhadi – A Separation

Best Adapted Screenplay

The Descendants


The Ides of March


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Foreign Language Film



In Darkness

Monsieur Lazhar

A Separation

Best Animated Picture

A Cat in Paris

Chico & Rita

Kung Fu Panda 2

Puss in Boots


Best Picture

War Horse

The Artist


The Descendants

The Tree of Life

Midnight in Paris

The Help


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

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About the Author

Writer and major Cinefile who loves movies. A whole lot. I’ve also been known to ramble about all other things Pop Culture on occasion too. For more information on these rambles please see (here, obviously) and also: http://worldofsnowwhite.blogspot.com/

One Response to Oscar Nominations 2012

  1. Akaasia says:

    Gary Oldman, finally! I liked seeing some unexpected ones nominated but I’m afraid the actual awards will go to the predicted-to-death favourites.
    The Fass, snubbed? I’m sure this can only mean that come next year’s awards he’ll be up for EVERYTHING. If not, there’s a strongly worded email on its way to the people who decide these things.

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