I Heart Tea Crowd Episode 9 – Dead Cat Bounce
Comedy rockers Dead Cat Bounce have been on the scene since 2008, touring the circuit and regaling audiences with tales of ‘Overenthusiastic Contraceptive Lady’ and ‘Good Touch, Bad Touch’.
A full band, with vocalist Jim Whalmsey, drummer Demian Fox and guitarist Shane O’Brien, the first few seconds of any of their shows will lull you into a false sense of musical security before they launch straight into lyrics such as ‘like a chimpanzee in a buffet car they’re grabbing at things before they know what they are … and trying to put them in their mouths’ (‘Christians in Love’) and ‘Me and my instructor tearing down the autobahn, doing ninety in a Mazda with the handbrake on’ (‘Switzerland’).
Having caught them live a number of times, we can only say that comedy and rock go incredibly well together and their show, Howl of the She-Leopard, hits Vicar Street on the 24th of this month, so sort yourself out.
Tea Crowd caught up with them at their office (where they’re in full movie-writing mode) to talk bodyswap movies, quiz teams, Joe Duffy and strip clubs.
And if after all that you want more, they’re online here, here and here and their comedy stylings have been released on two CDs called Live at the Sugar Club and Live at the Roisin Dubh.
As usual, as well as pop culture interview goodness, we’ve got a prize to keep you happy. If you want to have a go at winning this month’s hamper from Lyons Tea, the competition question is:
A man was found murdered on Sunday morning, the wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and the staff and got these alibis. The wife said she was sleeping, the cook was cooking breakfast, the gardener was picking vegetables, the maid was getting the mail and the butler was cleaning the closet. The police arrested the murderer. Who did it, and how did they know?
The answer is in the video – we’ll accept either Andy or DCB’s answer – get entering in the comments below.
DCB – The wife because she was lying!?
Andy – The Maid
The Maid.
No post on Sundays.
the maid – no mail on Sunday.
“The maid.”
Jesus, the sound in the video is terrible. And the guy in the suit is NOT half as funny as he thinks he is
The maid, no post on Sundays!
DCB – The Wife
Andy – The Maid
The maid, no post on sunday ?
The maid (no post on sunday)
The wife because she said she was sleeping.