New Irish Music: Third Smoke.
♫ Hungry ears/one look at you and we can’t help but leer at your/Hungry ears… ♫
Ok, so our profound lack of lyrical dexterity is why us Culchies never quite took off as a travelling minstrel show. We’ve accepted this, so instead we’re happy to sate your aural appetite by bigging up the musical talents of our fellow countrymen. Today, we’ve got a medley of fresh ingredients for those ravenous organs of yours. Yes, the ones on your head. Pay attention!
Dundalk’s Third Smoke are a foursome of bucks who haven’t so much rewritten the rule book as never realised it was there in the first place. Debut EP Tell A Friend is all raucous rock, stompalong beats and shoutalong choruses, and the lads flaunt a flair for harmony and a raspy passion that seems almost rude in such wee gasuns. Whichever blues brother frontman Hugh borrowed that pair of lungs from, I hope he never has to give them back. “I’m making it all up as I go along,” he roars in Dog Rough Dancing, to which Culch roars back, “We know and we fucking love it.”
This is Dog Rough Dancing, and Tell A Friend is available as a free download from ReverbNation.
Dear Jesus, they’re adorable. You go download! Go download right now!