Event: Dr. Sketchy’s Dublin and Molly Crabapple
Molly Crabapple is an award-winning New York artist, author and all round kickass lady whose Victoriana-steampunk-Rococo work has appeared in places like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Marvel comics. Forever finding ways to fund and create personally fulfilling art projects, in September of last year she locked herself into a hotel room for a week, covered the walls in paper and filled every available square foot with her gorgeous, intricate brand of art. The project was called Molly Crabapple’s Week In Hell, it was funded by myriad backers on Kickstarter, and has since been turned into a book. Not one to stay idle for long, right now she’s in the middle of Shell Game, another Kickstarter-funded project, this time an art show inspired by Occupy Wall Street and the assorted global economic disasters, which will result in nine huge paintings that will deal with themes such as Greece, Anonymous, bankers and the American healthcare system.
She’s also the founder of D r. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School, the largest chain of art salons in the world which takes alternative models, cabaret performances and life drawing and smashes them all together in a glorious combination of decadence, art, prizes and cupcakes. The next Dr. Sketchy’s Dublin takes place on Saturday, 28th April, from 3pm-6pm upstairs in 4 Dame Lane. The theme for the April session is “Disco Inferno”, so it’ll be rollerskates and mirrorballs a-go-go, and as if that didn’t already sound like eleven kinds of craic, the ridiculously talented Molly Crabapple herself will be in attendance. I squeaked a bit when I heard this news, as I’ve become such a fan of hers, although there’s a very real danger of me completely losing the ability to do anything other than stare at her in wonder if I did actually get the opportunity to meet her. Nevertheless, I’ve bought my ticket and I’m very much looking forward to what promises to be a whole heap of fun, even though I haven’t done life drawing since the Leaving Cert way back in the heady summer of 2002 (I’ve just realised that’s ten years ago. TEN YEARS! How did that happen!?) so to say I’ll be rusty is something of an understatement.
Admission is €15 / Students / Seniors €10 with valid ID. Over 18s Only.
Ticket information for Dr. Sketchy’s Dublin April Session can be found here and the “Disco Inferno” Facebook event page is here.
On Sunday, 29th April at 3pm in the Centre for Creative Practices, Molly will give a talk on art and entrepreneurship, sharing her thoughts and experiences and signing copies of Week In Hell, which will be on sale at the venue. It will be a great opportunity for anyone creatively inclined to hear from such a hugely successful artist and thoroughly interesting woman.
Tickets for the talk are €12 (€10 for students) and are available here. Facebook page here.
For more on Molly, check out mollycrabapple.com