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Published on September 6th, 2012 | by Peter


Theatre: Singlehood @ The Absolut Fringe

I have to admit I’m not really one for theatre stuff. I am. But I am-ish, not. It’s a bit like, The Strokes are playing The O2. Yeah ? I’ll think about it. As versus Led Zep are playing. Yeah ? Mee meep. Roadrunner. I’m already there.

Theatre, does that to me. Sometimes however you get a wee little kick in the wotsits. A good kick. A metaphorical one, so to speak and you think could this be the next example of hindsight I may use in a pub quiz ? Like the time The White stripes came to Ireland just after I saw them on Jools Holland and I never went and regretted it ever since ? What kind of play makes me say that ? One with comedian and actor legend Eric Lalor in it. Well, that’s how I cocked an eye and then watched this video below and thought….

I’d go to that. And I’d like it. They say:

Are you SINGLE? Have you never been SINGLE? Do you wish you were SINGLE? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this is the show for you. AFTER ALL, ANY DOPE CAN BE IN A RELATIONSHIP.

Singlehood is a new show conceived and directed by Una McKevitt. It is a funny, touching and honest exploration of single life in 2012, with a fantastic ensemble of performers including comedian Eric Lalor, actress Eva-Jane Gaffney, DJ Conor Behan and musical duo The Guilty Folk. Singlehood will run from 17 – 22nd of September, Upstairs in Project Arts Centre as part of ABSOLUT Fringe Festival 2012.

For Singlehood Una is collaborating with writer David Coffey (Dan & Becs, Fade Street) and together they have interviewed over 50 single men and women from 16 – 60 years of age. From these interviews they are devising have devised an honest and touching show about the true highs and lows of Singlehood.

“This is not a play. There is no literary inventiveness. Just people talking about their lives, loves and longings” Human relationships are always at the heart of Una’s work and she works within a documentary practice drawing material from real life experiences in collaboration with the participants who share their stories with her….

Along with Una, Dave and the cast, the show benefits from the considerable artistic and technical talents of Barry Madden and a dedicated production team. Everyone involved in the production is working for free….

I copy and pasted that straight enough from their Fund It Page. Oh for the love of research. More info:

  • Runs: 17 – 22nd September
  • Where: Upstairs in Project Arts Centre
  • As Part Of: ABSOLUT Fringe Festival 2012
  • Tickets:  Preview €12 / Full price €16 / OAP €14 / Student €14
  • Book Tickets: www.fringefest.com/programme/singlehood

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About the Author

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The @Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or www.doneganlandscaping.com

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