Fringe Preview : The Circus Of Perseverance
The 8th of September brings the Absolut Fringe festival back into town for sixteen days of arts, music, comedy and theatre. A self-proclaimed “dream factory”, it’s probably safe to say there is something for every taste on show from comedy about finding Fassbender to a showcase of photographs of everything tight jeaned in the brilliantly titled ‘Hipsters We Met and liked’.
One such show that sums up this up is the highly ambitious ‘The Circus Of Perseverance’ starting from the 10th of September in The Back Loft. Set in Dublin the play deals with the very real and common problem of feeling everything is a little bit rubbish at the moment and wanting to escape that. Using a series of interwoven stories the characters will break out from the crowd of negativity all set in a circus theme.
‘The Circus of Perseverance’ is a rambunctious, highly profane production that will immortalise one of the most testing times in Dublin’s history. Out of the ashes of a burnt and charred city, rise the heroic adventures of characters on the fringes of an absurd society. With the ringmaster as narrator and our capital as the backdrop, seven interwoven stories are blasted into life in a mesmerizing disco of scenes”.
Written and directed by Phillip Doherty the show will genuinely be a cure of the constant moaning on the streets and the upcoming winter blues.
The more information on the show, and to book tickets visit here :