Published on February 18th, 2013 | by Darren Byrne
1A Good Day to avoid Die Hard
This will be short. The film was so poor, it doesn’t deserve many words. However, I do feel the need to warn you off it.
Bruce Willis’s latest visit to John McClane’s insane life is A Good Day to Die Hard. Presumably they couldn’t fit Sam Jackson or Justin Long into the budget, so this time McClane is joined by his son, poorly acted by Jai Courtney.
There is no plot. No really, I looked and couldn’t find one. I did however find plenty of explosions and car chases and explosions and fire and jumping through CG windows and explosions. There was also a shed load of awful dialogue. If McClane said “I’m on vacation” one more time, I was going to hurl my overpriced Maltesers at the oversized IMAX screen.
Life of Pi belongs in IMAX, The Dark Knight Rises belongs in IMAX, Prometheus, The Hobbit, Ghost Protocol, they all belong in IMAX. Die Hard 5 does not. Apart from some impressive explosions (there are many explosions in this film!), there is nothing in the movie that takes advantage of the giant screen format. There are very few panning shots across great land masses, there are no breathtaking moments that must be seen in IMAX, there is nothing that makes this movie worth the additional €5. That said, there is very little in this movie that’s worth the admission price at all.
I’ve always been a die hard Die Hard fan (sorry!). The first film is one of the greatest action movies ever made, the third proved that McClane is THE greatest action hero and 2007’s Die Hard 4.0 showed what the greatest action hero can do when a huge special effects budget is combined with a decent script and some true innovation. This latest hack job isn’t even in keeping with the irreverent spirit of the other Die Hard movies. Gone is the humour, gone is the iconic bad guy (I’ve already forgotten who the bad guys were in this film), gone are the wise-cracking quips and stunning stand-offs. I just wish director John Moore had asked any fanboy to look over the script before shooting. I guarantee any third rate student of film would have produced something better.
Purely for the sake of giving you some information, Die Hard 5 is set in Russia where McClane goes “on vacation” to Moscow to help his wayward son out of a spot of bother. There are lots of loud noises and flaming cars, trucks, helicopters and buildings. There are a few headspinningly pointless twists and then the McClane boys save the day.
Look, if you like mindless action, sub-par acting and a tank load of explosions, you’ll probably enjoy this film – it’s straight out of the Michael Bay play book. But if you like your Die Hard movies, wait for the next installment.
Bruce Willis says the sixth will be the last. Frankly, I feel he should have stopped in 2007. However, if they are going to call a halt to the franchise, why not bring back director John McTiernan and end the whole thing with a bang…… and perhaps a decent plot.
Here’s a glimpse at the current outing. Although, I’m not sure I’d even bother watching the trailer if I were you:
Like i said already,heard this was woeful and thus won’t be seeing it (despite liking the series). Bruce Willis was in two of my favourite films of 2012 (Looper and Moonrise Kingdom) so was hoping this would be worth a look. Think i’ll wait for some evening when there’s absolutely nothing better on the box!