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The Culch

Published on August 8th, 2013 | by Peter


Indiependence 2013 – Day 3

craft beer #indie13

Sunday, day 3 of #Indie13 started out grand. Indiependence didn’t bring me any coffee. And so I went into Mitchelstown for some a stroll and some intravenous strongest blend roast coffeine.

indiependence, no coffee

Today however was a test of toughing it out as the heavens opened. Fair to say, no deluxe 10 euro pop up festival labelled tent was safe. Even my own 5000 hydrostatic head masterplan had a few drops come through. And though the place muddied and puddled and some ran for armageddon sake…. It was only a mere blip and really didn’t matter a dickie.

indiependence 2013 (114)

To the music and one that was again missing from ‘the lists’ was Protobaby. I’d never heard of them before being honest. But I’d happily pay to see them play after this gig. Individually genius. Collective genii. Also nice to see was Hot Press editing their ‘who to meet’ list to include them. Alongside Kodaline, I’ll get that one again.

pic courtesy original rude boys, indie13

Another first timer for me was the Original Rude Boys who hit the main stage. I haven’t been living in a cave up until this point, it’s more they’re a little further afield from Neil Young, if you get me. And though it lashed a bit at the same time, they held a full crowd right in palm of their hands.

Above is the pic taken by them just after their final song that I recorded, also above. Below my view of them from the crowd.

indiependence 2013 (117)

In another did you go see Ryan Sheridan or Bastille…. Neither. I’m not that kind of lady. Instead, I chose to go see Swords, the final band act of #Indie13 at The Craft Beer Hall.

And there ye have it. 3 days of lovely madness all rammed into one weekend. Many thanks due to the folks at Molson Canadian. And also to The Craft Collection who gave Culch.ie tickets to give away for a competition. To both of you thank you.

If it be the people that make a place, Indiependence is no different. And by far more important it is because of you that I would return. That in mind I’ve a wee thank you list that goes as follows:

indiependence 2013 (10)

To the band people I met: The Hot Sprockets and for The Honey Skipping CD; Protobaby - howye; Steve from Kodaline; Ciaran warren; and Orla Gartland. You’re all very lovely.

Also: The 45’s vinyl DJ who shook my hand; Peter [number 88 - the only one I can remember] of AOS Security, gentleman; At Circus Macabre - The girl who did the hula hoop; Ruth who was working there to get her ticket in, who I told to go see The Hot sprockets who thanked me for telling her to go see ’em; Sean Early and Harriet Manseragh of Slattery Communications; the girl who said I looked like her Dad - ye wee pup; the dude who stopped in the middle of the road to let me cross whilst it was raining and waited whilst I changed my mind; all of the locals of Mitchelstown; and the tent next door[s] who offered me duck tape and beer.

That’s all I can remember for now. Until we meet again. Cheers.

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About the Author

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The @Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or www.doneganlandscaping.com

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